“Naked we were born, naked shall we return to grave. What then is the toil?”

“Una mujer desnuda y en lo oscuro tiene una claridad que nos alumbra de modo que si ocurre un desconsuelo un apagón o una noche sin luna es conveniente y hasta imprescindible tener a mano una mujer desnuda. Una mujer desnuda y en lo oscuro genera un resplandor que da confianza entonces dominguea el almanaque vibran en su rincon las telarañas y los ojos felices y felinos miran y de mirar nunca se cansan.Una mujer desnuda y en lo oscuro es una vocación para las manos para los labios es casi un destino y para el corazón un despilfarro una mujer desnuda es un enigma y siempre es una fiesta descifrarlo. Una mujer desnuda y en lo oscuro genera una luz propia y nos enciende el cielo raso se convierte en cielo y es una gloria no ser inocente una mujer querida o vislumbrada desbarata por una vez la muerte.”

“It was the impatience of the way he tore my panties from my body, that really turned me on: I was all he could think of, as his lust got the better of him. I glanced back, and saw the underwear torn and discarded, a little strip of thin black material on the floor, and thought, Yes, this is the kind of impatient sex I’m looking for. The way they looked so small, and cruelly forgotten, was a beautiful symbol of how much we both needed to satisfy our lusts.”

“I love being aroused.I relish that delicious feeling of freedom, the delirium of being naked, and my flesh being born again. It’s like I’m being made new.”

“To feel aroused is to feel alive. Having great sex is like taking in huge lungfuls of fresh air, essential to your body, essential to your health, and essential to your life.”

“It was the wildness of it that got me going: the primal lust, the sheer needs of two people in heat, quickly finding ways to express their sacred hunger to each other in animal passion.”

“I was naked under his gaze. Skin was just that: skin. But to see your soul stripped, laid bare for the eyes of someone you barely knew-that was terrifying.”

“I live for sex. I celebrate it, and relish the electricity of it, with every fibre of my being. I can see no better reason for being alive.”

“All I’m writing is just what I feel, that’s all. I just keep it almost naked. And probably the words are so bland.”

“There seemed to be some correlation between devotion to God and a misguided zeal for marshmallows.”

“You know, lieutenant, you wear your weapon the way other women wear pearls.””It’s not a fashion accessory.”

“Women who focus on style over substance usually find themselves in a big fucking hole, with other men who want to fuck the hole. Oh so smooth, and none sophistacted. Because, you know, how sophisticated can hole-fucking really be”

“Some of us walk around with a necklace of hope, an armour of sanity, but at the end of the day, they always come off. We reveal our naked, vulnerable, real selves.”

“O Heavenly Children, do not forget that God is here, there and everywhere. The birds are his eyes and the air is his ears. And as you sleep, your heart and soul rest naked before him. He can drink from the rivers of your thoughts, and even feel the wetness of your tears.”

“Bare Skin is what I use when I want to look natural.”