“Challenges in life can either enrich you or poison you. You are the one who decides.”

“You are the point of origin for everything in your world: you set the standard for yourself.”

“We need more than just the Law of Attraction. We need to connect with its more successful twin, the Law of Generosity. And further entwine ourselves with their parent; the Law of Love.”

“Believe in yourself. Under-confidence leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy that you are not good enough for your work.”

“Before the fruits of prosperity can come, the storms of life need to first bring the required rains of testing, which mixes with the seeds of wisdom to produce a mature harvest.”

“Everything is easier said than done. Wanting something is easy. Saying something is easy. The challenge and the reward are in the doing.”

“Stop trying to ‘fix’ yourself; you’re NOT broken! You are perfectly imperfect and powerful beyond measure.”

“Never think that you cannot rise above your problems, always think your problems cannot rise above you and you will overcome them.”

“This moment is yours and yours alone! Take charge, seize this moment and allow it to propel you to the high levels of an empowered life. Allow upon this fertile moment to be planted the seeds of your happiness and success.”

“The greatest love stories are not those in which love is only spoken, but those in which it is acted upon.”

“Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.”

“Your world of poverty can be recreated to that of affluence simply by speaking the Prince’s language.”

“If you want good luck; you must go out there and search for that luck!! Because luck is waiting for you to look for it.”

“Free yourself from the burden of feeling the need to hold on to anything. Let go… you are a part of everything.”