All Quotes By Tag: Time
“Time has no beginning or ending”
“Time has no limitation and boundary and it moves continuously at its own pace”
“Time stops for no one, no matter how unsure we are of the future.”
“All events and people you have cherished in the past, and all events and people that are yet to happen to you, exist at all times. This for sure beats the traditional concept of heaven!”
“A student does not need her school or university. She never needed one teacher.”
“Time’s up for modern society.”
“Il pénètre dans un espace dense envahi de fantômes et de géométries intentionnelles; telle est la configuration du monde: la totalité des points de vue passés et présents qui se croisent dans l’espace. Le monde est un champ miné de perspectives.”
“It’s easy to write history. All the eyewitnesses are dead.”
“In English, consciousness and unconsciousness are part of a vertical plane, so that we wake up ↑ and we fall ↓ asleep and we sink ↓ into a coma. Chinese uses the horizontal line, so that to wake is to cross a border towards consciousness → and to faint is to go back ← . Meanwhile, time itself is vertical so that last year is “the year above” ↑ and next year is “the year below” ↓. The day before yesterday is the day “in front” ↑ and the day after tomorrow is the day “behind” ↓. This means that future generations are not the generations ahead, but the ones behind. Therefore, to look into the future one must turn around…”
“Three things have a limited threshold:Time, pain, and death.While truth, love, and knowledge -Are boundless.Three things are neededFor humanity to co-exist:Truth, peace and basic needs.Everything else -Is irrelevant.”
“إن المرأة تكره الرجل الذي يعطيها كل وقته وتكره الرجل الذي لا يعطيها شيئا من وقته”
“Today I am feeling that chronological order is not a good thing, even if it is easier, and that I should break it up. Is it that when these events are in chronological order they are not propelled forward by cause and effect, by need and satisfaction, they do not spring ahead with their own energy but are simply dragged forward by the passage of time?”
“Hell was full of clocks, he was sure of it. There was no torment, after all, that could not be exacerbated by a contemplation of time passing. The large case clock at the end of the corridor had a particularly penetrating tick-tock, audiable above and through all the noises of the house. It seemed to Lord John Grey to echo his own heartbeats, each one a step on the road towards death.”
“…it occurred to me that the voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true, because there is always the thought that everything might be done better and again. -Hazel”
“In former times, I watched the time of times. Now, in my early ages, I love to protect my destiny, my testimony and my great reward.”