“A genius that survives is the real genius.”

“A wise man does not pretend to know what he doesn’t know. He will be quiet and listen to the wiser.”

“You built a hundred bridges and you sucked one cock. Then you are not a bridge builder, you are a cock sucker.”

“In every generation, there are those who refuse to lower themselves, who refuse to compromise their character when tempted, who do the right thing no matter what. There are also those who do not care enough to stand against temptation. It is not because they can’t, but they don’t. And then there are the one who actively choose to be malicious, to hurt people for their own gain or just out of spite; these are the evil ones.”

“We have the neurological potential to be truly a wise species, unlike any other species on earth, yet we act like the dumbest species on earth. We are a stupid species with smart phones.”

“Wisdom is to see no thing as a strange thing, no clothe as a strange cloth, no person as a strange person, no event as a strange event! Because in wisdom you understand why the things are as they are!”

“Do not afraid of the distance of your path, because the widen path shows as narrowed.”

“Civilization is not the one that has an abundance of material objects to incessantly crave for, rather true civilization is the one that has an abundance of contentment regardless of material possession.”

“Act with Peace in your heart, Love as a guide and Nature as a trustworthy friend.”

“There is so much wisdom around you, be wise follow none.”

“Humility—the first gift—can help us surrender to an event outside our control, one we couldn’t prevent and was not our fault”

“The intriguing placidity from the slothful pace of a snail is truly very peaceful. Our world is in need of this calmness to pacify itself”

“Hundreds of wise men cannot make the world a heaven, but one idiot is enough to turn it into a hell.”

“Sometimes I think that wisdoms slip from my mind like drool from the lips of an idiot…Where’s all this stuff coming from? Is it any good? Any good in, you know, the wisdom sense? Who am I to spout this stuff anyway?Well, here’s the thing. You too can find yourself shedding wisdom like cat hair if you only allow yourself the liberty of introspection.Think about what you alone know that no one else does. That one neat wonderful profound insight. It is fully yours. No one else on this planet of about six billion people understands it like you do.Now, see if you can share it with someone. Bestow it, a gift of yourself.Wisdom is like gossip. Except it’s the good kind.”