“To deny the reality is to be exposed to strong delusion.”

“The present equipped us for the future.”

“If there is but one prayer that we should pray, it should be only this one: “Guide my hope away from all that I should not hope in and bridle my trust so that I trust in only what I can trust in. May I have a mind calm and serenely resting in the knowledge that my hope and my trust will never mislead me.” A short and simple prayer, and the only one we really need to be praying.”

“There is nothing like fearless faith.”

“We grow up with such an idealistic view on how our life should be; love, friendships, a career or even the place we will live ~ only to age and realise none of it is what you expected & reality is a little disheartening, when you’ve reached that realisation; you have learnt the gift of all, any new beginning can start now and if you want anything bad enough you’ll find the courage to pursue it with all you have. The past doesn’t have to be the future, stop making it so.”

“The sure way to succeed Is to endure to the very end.”

“What are you planting today to harvest tomorrow?”

“The choice to make good choices is the best choice you can choose. Fail to make that choice and on most choices you will lose.”

“Wise people choose battles carefully, the way a rat nibbles around a trap. What doesn’t kill you doesn’t always make you stronger. Sometimes, they leave you maimed, scarred and lacklustre.”

“The wise man will always look past the superficial to what lies beneath. Don’t be satisfied with the outward appearance of things, dig deeper and get to the very core. See things as they truly are, not as people would have you see them.”