“Do not pray for help when you are facing adversity. Pray for wisdom, strength, and tenacity so that you can overcome it.”

“The really good stuff is invisible.”

“The discipline of creation, be it to paint, compose, write, is an effort towards wholeness.”

“Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?”

“Do your little thing in your little corner and eventually the dots will connect the way to greatness and the universe will speak back to you.”

“And if you couldn’t be loved, the next best thing was to be let alone.”

“Don’t live in the past. Enjoy the present moment and think of future. And happiness will follow you.”

“How strange it is beholding this,and, very confident,proclaim that such magnificenceoccurred by accident.”

“She sniffled. “Does he know?””Not a clue,” Law said. “There are concrete bricks less dense than my beloved.”

“God first appeared on the scene of human history in the role of a matchmaker. What a profound and exciting revelation!Is it too much to suggest that Eve came to Adam on the arm of the Lord Himself in the same way that a bride today walks down the aisle of the church on her father’s arm? What human mind can fathom the depth of love and joy that filled the heart of the great Creator as He united the man and woman in this first marriage ceremony?Surely this account is one among countless indications that the Bible is not a work of merely human authorship. Moses is generally accepted as the author of the creation record. But apart from supernatural inspiration, he would never have dared to open human history with a scene of such amazing intimacy—first between God and man, and then between man and woman.”

“It’s always hard to lose somebody. It leaves a hole in you heart that never grows back. ”

“What a delight to desire to pray?”

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one two things: either love, or a call for love.”

“I will love you even when I am dust on the wind.”

“Sesuatu yang tidak pernah dilihat bukan berrati tidak ada dan tidak nyata”