“In the case of Michel Angelo we have an artist who with brush and chisel portrayed literally thousands of human forms; but with this peculiarity, that while scores and scores of his male figures are obviously suffused and inspired by a romantic sentiment, there is hardly one of his female figures that is so,—the latter being mostly representative of woman in her part as mother, or sufferer, or prophetess or poetess, or in old age, or in any aspect of strength or tenderness, except that which associates itself especially with romantic love. Yet the cleanliness and dignity of Michel Angelo’s male figures are incontestable, and bear striking witness to that nobility of the sentiment in him, which we have already seen illustrated in his sonnets.”

“S’acharner à vouloir que les paroles soient là pour révéler au-dehors ce qu’on est dans l’intimité, c’est la folie ou l’accablement qui menacent. La solitude ne se rompt que par la violence. On reste incompris, méconnu. Toujours vaincu, exaspéré, en prison. C’est l’impossibilité fondamentale, la première contradiction : ce qui est unique en chacun ne peut être su de personne, seulement pressenti. Nous pouvons dire uniquement de nous ce qui est pareils à d’autres. Parler, c’est déjà se placer dans le rang.”

“I never understood desire until i felt your hands around my throat.”

“Often-times, grass was more useful than gold. Man was more desirable than a beast. Chance was more seductive than knowledge, and eternal life was completely meaningless without love.”

“Those who fight for social justice and the rights of people will count any other thing as unimportant.”

“I don’t have all the answers. More than that, I don’t even know half the questions. But I can rest in the fact that God has both.”

“If you wish to be a writer, write.”

“Пустинните бурени оцеляват, а пролетното цвете разцъфва и повяхва.”

“When my worldwas nothing but darknessI set my soul on fire.”

“Things difficult – almost to impossibility – can always be accomplished. Write that upon your tablets, for it is a valuable truth.”

“Knowing you are alive is watching on every side your generation’s short time falling away as fast as rivers drop through air, and feeling it hit.”

“…and when the world tells you to lower your head and submit in silence to how things are and always will be, lift your voice instead and sing bravely of how things can and should and will be, because that song is why you are here.”

“You are putting yourself in serious danger…’I think that I preferred to put myself in serious danger rather than confront my shame. My shame at not having become someone, the shame of not having made my parents proud after all the sacrifices they had made for me. The shame of having become a mediocre nihilist.”

“if “now” is said, it would instantly be in the past.”

“We just had a near-life experience!”