“Above all what one needs to be happy is the courage of one’s desires”

“Wisdom is ours for the asking if we so desire.”

“The Smartphone has become a young divine embodying the ultimate desire and saving us from droopiness or lack of care and concern. It is the epitome of happiness, encompassing pleasure and contentment, but for sure does not allow woe and depression. (“Even if the world goes down, my mobile will save me” )”

“A heart may desire a thing powerfully indeed, but that heart’s desire might be what a person least needs, for her health, for her continuing happiness.”

“Be like the flower, content with its nature.”

“The golden rule of business is supply and demand. I venture to say that this is also the rule of happiness. When a balance is achieved between our desires and another’s willingness to satisfy them, the result is a sympathetic, mutually rewarding relationship. (…) a thriving economy of love.’ – character Mike Lambeth”

“In the endeavor to establish a difficult habit, for example, mere wishing will never carry it to a successful conclusion; our wishing must rise to the level of WANTING if this goal is to be achieved.”

“Being wealthy isn’t just a question of having lots of money. It’s a question of what we want. Wealth isn’t an absolute, it’s relative to desire. Every time we seek something that we can’t afford, we can be counted as poor, how much money we may actually have.”

“It was that impossible thing: happiness that does not wilt to reveal the thin shoots of some new desire rising from within it.”

“Christianity set itself the goal of fulfilling man’s unattainable desires, but for that very reason ignored his attainable desires. By promising man eternal life, it deprived him of temporal life, by teaching him to trust in God’s help it took away his trust in his own powers; by giving him faith in a better life in heaven, it destroyed his faith in a better life on earth and his striving to attain such a life. Christianity gave man what his imagination desires, but for that very reason failed to give him what he really and truly desires.”

“…if desire is predominant it can deform love between man and woman and rob them both of it.”

“Because we don’t ‘want’ God in no ways means that we don’t ‘need’ Him. And if we confuse the two, we might get what we want but we will die for lack of what we need.”