“Time teaches with experience”

“Time is not meant to be spent; it is meant to be experienced.”

“You die in time to realize somethings aren’t worthwhile.”

“Silvery is the mirror of timeIf you look at it with mind unruffledEach experience made you strongerEach defeat made you enamelled”

“Don’t wait for the experience.CREATE IT!”

“To succeed in life, you need to create the experience that everyone wants, and needs.”

“For a long time I have been fascinated by the idea that the world, as I experience it, only exists in my mind. It is the sum of the sensory inputs made real by my brain and experienced by my mind. Your world is entirely different.”

“Memory is not an instrument for exploring the past but its theatre. It is the medium of past experience, as the ground is the medium in which dead cities lie interred.”

“I think deeply about things and want others to do likewise. I work for ideas and learn from people. I don’t like excluding people. I’m a perfectionist, but I won’t let that get in the way of publication. Except for education and entertainment, I’m not going to waste my time on things that won’t have an impact. I try to be friends with everyone, but I hate it when you don’t take me seriously. I don’t hold grudges, it’s not productive, but I learn from my experience. I want to make the world a better place.”

“From all that I saw, and everywhere I wandered, I learned that time cannot be spent. It can only be squandered.”

“War can condition a person to be resilient, tolerant, dependable, strong, and capable of so much more than one who had experienced nothing of it; it can bring out the very best in us, but also the very worst. Where is it, I ask, the proper conduit through which a soldier should be raised from whence they would become an upstanding citizen of the world, instead of a single country?”

“I have come to realise that discipline is not about rules. Discipline is about respect.”

“When writing, there are some scenes that are emotionally overwhelming. They completely overcome the author, and only when they do this can they cause a similar reaction in the reader.Through this, the author gets to experience multiple lives. If a character’s life flashes before their eyes, it flashes before the author’s eyes too, and he or she remembers it as his or her own.With reading, we get to live other lives vicariously, and this is doubly so with writing. It is like a lucid dream, where we guide the outcome. In this, we don’t merely write *about* a character — we momentarily *become* them, and walk as they walk, think as they think, and do as they do. When we return to our own life, we might return a little shaken, likely a little stronger, hopefully a little wiser.What is certain is that we return better, because experiencing the lives of others makes us understand their aims and dreams, their fears and foils, the challenges and difficulties, and joys and triumphs, that they face. It helps us grow and empathise, and see all the little pictures that make up the bigger one we see from the omniscience of the narrator.”

“Other than along certain emotional tangents there was little in the book that felt as if it had actually been lived. It was a fiction produced by someone who knew only fictions, The Tempest as written by isolate Miranda, raised on the romances in her father’s library.”

“Kindness connects our souls and makes us richer for the experience.”