“In the final analysis, the question of why bad things happen to good people translates itself into some very different questions, no longer asking why something happened, but asking how we will respond, what we intend to do now that it has happened.Are you capable of forgiving and accepting in love a world which has disappointed you by not being perfect, a world in which there is so much unfairness and cruelty, disease and crime, earthquake and accident? Can you forgive its imperfections and love it because it is capable of containing great beauty and goodness, and because it is the only world we have?Are you capable of forgiving and loving the people around you, even if they have hurt you and let you down by not being perfect? Can you forgive them and love them, because there aren’t any perfect people around, and because the penalty for not being able to love imperfect people is condemning oneself to loneliness?Are you capable of forgiving and loving God even when you have found out that He is not prefect, even when He has let you down and disappointed you by permitting bad luck and sickness and cruelty in His world, and permitting some of those things to happen to you? Can you learn to love and forgive Him despite His limitations, as Job does, and as you once learned to forgive and love your parents even though they were not as wise, as strong, or as perfect as you needed them to be?And if you can do these things, will you be able to recognize that the ability to forgive and the ability to love are the weapons God has given us to enable us to live fully, bravely and meaningfully in this less-than-perfect world?”

“Is there any fellowship,without forgiveness?”

“Without forgiveness, there is no fellowships.”

“Imagine the thoughts of serial killer and mutilator Jeffrey Dahmer when he ended up in prison. He felt great remorse, which he confessed on several occasions. He had ruined his life beyond repair. If Wisconsin had the death penalty, he would have earned it. Who could he turn to except God? Certainly no human would hear the cries of his heart and believe the depth of his sorrow. Only God could.”

“Praise be to God for His great pardon of sins.”

“Blessed are those who repent of their sins, they shall be refreshed in the faith of forgiveness.”

“There is freedom like forgiveness.”

“There is no freedom like forgiveness.”

“Only acknowledged your sins, God is mercy to forgive you.”

“Sin has a way of making a home for itself and lingering like an unwelcome guest in the rooms of our soul.”

“Knowing the truth is never about faith. It is about remembering, accepting, and, most importantly, it is about living. If we live as if we know there is more, then there will be more.”

“Forgive often and completely.”

“Even a little peace, a little love, a little forgiveness, and a little kindness can change the world for the better and bring it closer to universal peace.”

“To change your enemies forever, practice forgiveness, appreciation, and kindness towards them.”

“The capacity to love does not die when the lover dies.”