All Quotes By Tag: Forgiveness
“I remember every good thing about you. Every sweet and perfect thing. And nothing else.” He touched her chin, tipped it up to look into her wet brown eyes. Even smudged, they were gorgeous. The dawning light in them filled his heart, and healed it. “Nothing else.”
“Love freelyAsk kindlyLive gentlyLove fiercelyHope infinitelyRage internallyForgive repeatedlySpeak wiselyFeel deeply”
“Grow your courage by remembering each day is a gift.”
“God has a passion for brand new beginnings.”
“We can show love, respect for others, and honesty in whatever we do to help humanity.”
“Every sin can be forgiven by the heavenly Father.”
“Inner beauty, warm-heartedness and compassion, is what brings about peace of mind.”
“A sin confessed, a guilt cleared by grace.”
“There is a hope of salvation for every sinner.”
“Positive emotions like compassion and loving kindness engender in us a deep sense of peace and serenity, and benefits others as well.”
“The Saviour, sacrifice his life as offering for sin.”
“By learning to be more warm-hearted we can create a more compassionate world.”
“God of mercy!”
“Without healing, there is no happiness.”
“Read this first volume and you’ll want to finish the next two–300,000 words in total–with the first 90,000 setting the stage for a life-affirming masterpiece, and characters you will never forget!”