All Quotes By Tag: Happiness
“Suffering sucks. Don’t do it. Go home and love your wife. Go home and love yourself. Go homeand base your happiness on one thing and one thing only: freedom. Choose freedom, not suffering. Create a life of freedom, not wanting. Have some really good coffee and listen to the red-winged blackbirds in the marsh. Ignore the mosquitoes.”
“Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine to the mind.”
“One could be happy not only without love, but despite it.”
“I was happy, but happy is an adult word. You don’t have to ask a child about happy, you see it. They are or they are not. Adults talk about being happy because largely they are not. Talking about it is the same as trying to catch the wind. Much easier to let it blow all over you. This is where I disagree with the philosophers. They talk about passionate things but there is no passion in them. Never talk happiness with a philosopher.”
“In his or her own way, everyone I saw before me looked happy. Whether they were really happy or just looked it, I couldn’t tell. But they did look happy on this pleasant early afternoon in late September, and because of that I felt a kind of loneliness new to me, as if I were the only one here who was not truly part of the scene.”
“The best way to insure you achieve the greatest satisfaction out of life is to behave intentionally.”
“If one were to build the house of happiness, the largest space would be the waiting room.”
“The brave who focus on all things good and all things beautiful and all things true, even in the small, who give thanks for it and discover joy even in the here and now, they are the change agents who bring fullest Light to all the world.”
“Sadness is never bad,” said Amparo. “Sadness is the mirror of being happy”
“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invicible host against difficulties.”
“Don’t show a friend your gift, or your bag of money if you still want to maintain your relationship, but if nay, go on, and all you’ll see is hate and jealousy, and you’ll fight with him in the street like a dog and all you’ll feel is regret.”
“You would not be here TODAY if YESTERDAY was your defining moment. LIVE THIS DAY and move towards your dreams.”
“Do you want to retire early rich or retire late poor? Cosmic Ordering answers the first question!”
“We need more than just the Law of Attraction. We need to connect with its more successful twin, the Law of Generosity. And further entwine ourselves with their parent; the Law of Love.”
“The really happy person is the one who can enjoy the scenery, even when they have to take a detour.”