“Happiness makes me purr like a cat, and roar like a lion.”

“Move past what holds you back. Happiness lives on the other side of your fears.”

“I laid in darkness, in bed with the same song on repeat for hours. I wasn’t sad. I was happy because that’s what happiness was to me.”

“Now I am free,the lord of evermore hopes,amid kingdoms litby azure fires, absolutein self-remembered fortune”

“I was nineteen. You had your lips on my neck and whispers in my ear. You drove me crazy. But I mistook crazy for absolute happiness.”

“We have come to see pain as the antithesis of happiness. Yet without the experience of pain we would not appreciate the experience of happiness.”

“How we spend our days,” author Annie Dillard writes, is “how we spend our lives.” Rather than waiting until we’re happy to enjoy the small things, we should go and do the small things that make us happy. After a depressing divorce, a friend of mine made a list of things she enjoyed–listening to musicals, seeing her nieces and nephews, looking at art books, eating flan–and made a vow to do one thing on the list after work each day. As blogger Tim Urban describes it, happiness is the joy you find on hundreds of forgettable Wednesdays.”

“Some of the people who we envy for having something we lack envy us for lacking something they have.”

“When you give more than anyone could possibly expect you get more than you ever expected.”

“Judgments are the only possible cause of unhappiness and happiness.”

“It is impossible for your reasons to be unhappy to exceed those to be happy.”

“You can be happy or you can be unhappy. It’s justaccording to the way you look at things.”

“Most people have given back to life the power to make themselves happy.”

“When a happy person is treating others well, this is not too important; but when an unhappy person is treating others very well, this is very important and very valuable!”

“In order to be happy, one must first let go of all pettiness and selfish attachments.”