“Sickness is the motivator for research by those that recognize improved health is just a discovery away.”

“Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is largely a government cover up department for badly behaved corporations.”

“Only those who show up have a right to speak up.”

“Our bodies play a huge role in the accomplishment of our goals and our overall happiness. Embodiment… is about tuning into our physical bodies and learning ways to support our health and well-being so that we can do what we need to do, and enjoy the journey.”

“If your priority is a cinema experience in your own home then you should buy a large screen television, if it is good sleep and health then you should buy a small screen television.”

“Depending on what choices and designs you make right at this moment for today, your day will definitely change.”

“When the body is in its rightful mode, it is silent. We feel neither well nor sick, healthy nor unhealthy. The body becomes the quiet, perfectly functioning tool by which God uses us in this life. Your body can be well just as easily as sick. Your life can be harmonious and glad just as easily as it can be tormented and dramatic. Choose carefully. And if you have chosen unfortunately then choose again.”

“Marriage gives us the security of tying another person to us-and us to them. But marriage itself also serves as a general wall of protection from illness in ways that cohabitation does not.”

“If you want more joy in your daily life, smile at the people you meet in the street, the woman sitting beside you on the bus or standing next to you in the queue at the airport, the waiter who brings your food, your colleagues or your employer. There’s a great chance they’ll smile back.”

“Be thankful for a breath of fresh air to be alive and well. Allow love and happiness to penetrate throughout your mind and soul. Take time to relax and live in the moment, the now, the present. Enjoy today.”

“It would be a mistake, though, to consider care by family doctors or midwives inferior to that offered by obstetricians simply on the grounds that obstetricians need not refer care to a family physician or midwife if no complications develop during a course of labor.”

“It must be nice to be so strong and to think it’s because you’re so good, that you live right and eat right, so you deserve your health and happiness. But there is such a thing as luck, and there’s more bad luck than good in this world.”

“Only to the degree that people have what they need, that they are healthy and unafraid, that their lives are varied, interesting, meaningful, productive, joyous, can we begin to judge, or even guess, their nature. Few people, adults or children, now live such lives.”

“When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem. We have to slow down and deal with what is troubling us, so that we can enjoy the simple joy of being happy and at peace with ourselves.”

“The first sure symptom of a mind in health Is rest of heart and pleasure felt at home.”