“It is easy to enter every moment of a day so burdened down as we try to carry all of our hopes and fears for that day, that we miss the good in every moment. Every moment is worth investing a full moment in. How we approach every moment matters. Shakespeare said in Antony and Cleopatra, “Give me my robe. Put on my crown. I have immortal longings in me.” Our innermost longing is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and we share that longing with everyone else. Connection comes most intimately from looking for that innermost longing in others and ourselves. Love says, as Jordan Peterson wrote, “I want the best, for what wants the best in you.” We ought to love ourselves and want the best for what wants the best in us. There is a longing inside to love without reserve or limits and allow ourselves to be loved with ultimate vulnerability.We are more than what we can hide behind a mask, and there is no reason we should try to hide it. We are not the chemical mess we feel like at times, we are amazing—we defy the law of the universe that says all things trend towards chaos and emptiness. Walt Whitman said, “I am not contained between my hat and my boots.” We are not contained between our fears and our past experiences either. We are born with awareness, imagination and will-power, and combined with any other awareness, imagination and will-power both will be increased; that is the value of connecting. What we are born with is all we have or need to give. You were born worthy of connection, don’t ever second guess it!Yes, it may be dangerous to open up and let people into our life, but it is fatal to attempt to keep people out. Choose love, choose to see the goodness in life unbiasedly wherever it may be, and choose to make life better for yourself and everyone, whether or not anyone else wants to help.It is very normal and understandable to want to feel heard, seen and appreciated; at some point however, we have to make the decision to say what most merits hearing, do what is most worth seeing, and give what is most worth appreciating, whether or not anyone sees, hears or appreciates it. There is a saying that “integrity is how you act when you think no one is looking.” I say that character is what we do despite all that would sway us otherwise, whether that be potential for fame or fear of insignificance.”No positive effort is so small that good things won’t come from it, so do it!”

“Life is a jungle, and we may not always have a map for it. Sometimes, it is for the best to get lost and make a house of hope in the middle of nowhere and let the sky and the stars lead you wherever your soul desires.Hope itself is light enough to illuminate the dark paths.”

“Life is a jungle, and we may not always have a map for it. Sometimes, it is for the bestto get lost and make a house of hope in the middle of nowhere and let the sky and the stars lead you wherever your soul desires.Hope itself is light enough to illuminate the dark paths.”

“Trust the magic of new beginnings. They fly on the high spirits of faith and hope.”

“All the city was playing with this sound out there in the blue summer dark, throwing it up and calling it back, promising that, in a little while, life would be beautiful as a story, promising happiness – and by that promise giving it. It gave love hope in its own survival. It could do no more.”

“I keep planting my smile in the rich soil of your sadness, hoping one day love will bloom from your thoroughly saturated heart.”

“Everyone is born an artist. What differentiates us are the variations of creativity.”

“Different emotions of Love are Believe, Trust, Like, Interest, Feels, Favorite, Thought, care, Blessing, Happiness, Response, Respect, Honest, Kindness, Hope, Forgiveness, Dreams, Pray, Helpful, knowledge, Imagination, Fear, Concentration, Freedom, Understand, Enjoy etc”

“People don’t need hope to be happy; they need something to do.”

“Belief, is hope with an attitude that will not quit.”

“Real life can never have a written lie all over it.”

“If You Have The Chance, Take A Step, If You Have The Opportunity, Build Your Dream,If You Have The Mind, Take Every Risk,If You Have The Spirit, Hold Your Faith,If You Have The Time, Prove Your Love,If You Have The Strength, Walk Alone, If You Have The Guts, Show Your Result;Truly, The Only Time We Have Is Now..”

“Godly wisdom guide’s a man to walk on the good path.”

“(Can human beings change? The humor, and the sadness, of remarriage comedies can be said to result from the fact that we have no good answer to that question.)”

“The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”