All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“All the wealth of the world can’t repay the debt of a breath.”
“Experiences bring maturity and not the date of birth.”
“To expect is to disrespect the unconditionality of love.”
“Your dreams will come true, when you decide to work at them.”
“Never let the routine of your life stamp out the miracle of your life. You are unrepeatable. You are needed. You are infinite.”
“The size of your expectations, accomplishments, and net worth cannot be any different than the size of your self-worth. You get the life you think you deserve.”
“One of the biggest barriers to a great vision, is failure to emancipate oneself from a gradual personality fabrication; that overshadows the best of your unique capabilities in order to level yourself to a social norm.”
“Progress is a vague concept, if there is no vision to progress towards.”
“In a dark world, light is god.”
“The runner knows something the rest of us are busy forgetting: to get stronger, you have to go on until you are uncomfortable, and then go on a while longer. It is in that place where discomfort happens but activity is still possible that growth and development happen.”
“The storm is the test, the sunshine is its reward.”
“She sees the best in the world. Not because she is exposed to the best. She’s exposed to the same madness as everybody else. She chooses to see the beauty in all.”
“You ain’t wedded to her and you are caught up with pursuing her around and continually checking her telephone,Very soon you will bite the dust of hypertension or heart assault”
“Do not cry for me when I’m gone, for I’ve lived a thousand lives in one.”
“Hustlers will never sleep and dream, But they stay awake and have their dreams”