All Quotes By Tag: Knowledge
“The only obstacle is the absence of the knowledge in our minds of the wisdom of God that is able to move any mountain”
“The knowledge of the purpose of the success that you receive by grace in every area will keep us from pride and the love of money”
“The absence of specific knowledge about success is the reason why your journey along the path to success has been halted”
“The wisdom of God and the knowledge of His spiritual principles are accessible to the sons of God”
“There is a fine line between stubbornness and stupidity as well as intensity and insanity.”
“The very small quantum world, it seems, is a mixture of possibilities. The quantum fields to which all particles belong are the sum of these possibilities and, somehow, one possibility is chosen out of all the existing ones just by seeing it, just by the very act of detecting it, whenever one tries to probe a particle’s nature. Nobody knows why or how this happens.”
“I lost someone close to me once . . . Taught me to live in the moment. Life is short, you know?”
“Progress daily in your own uncertainty. Live in awareness of the questions.”
“It’s like you’re always living in your head. . . . Relax and appreciate your surroundings a little.”
“Usually, when people get an idea, they are eager to start acting immediately, immerse themselves in the process without creating a system of actions, without being knowledgeable of the matter, without analyzing and estimating everything beforehand”
“A lack of knowledge always leads to defeat and destruction”
“Knowledge will help you to solve any problem”
“The reason for the absence of success in your life is not due to the lack of money, but to not having enough knowledge of the principles of success”
“We have inherited from our forefathers the keen longing for unified, all-embracing knowledge.”
“When left alone, quantum particles behave as multiple images of themselves (as waves, really), simultaneously moving through all possible paths in space and time. Now, again, why do we not experience this multitude around ourselves? Is it because we are probing things around us all the time? Why do all experiments that involve, say, the position of a particle make the particle suddenly be somewhere rather than everywhere? No one knows. Before you probe it, a particle is a wave of possibilities. After you’ve probed it, it is somewhere, and subsequently it is somewhere for ever, rather than everywhere again. Strange, that. Nothing, within the laws of quantum physics, allows for such a collapse to happen. It is an experimental mystery and a theoretical one. Quantum physics stipulates that whenever something is there, it can transform into something else, of course, but it cannot disappear. And since quantum physics allows for multiple possibilities simultaneously, these possibilities should then keep existing, even after a measurement is made. But they don’t. Every possibility but one vanishes. We do not see any of the others around us. We live in a classical world, where everything is based on quantum laws but nothing resembles the quantum world.”