All Quotes By Tag: Knowledge
“A leader’s purpose is to provide knowledge and generate trust through kindness. This will provide a foundation that allows others to make choices, right or wrong, and grow in a positive manner from the experience.”
“Once we know something, we find it hard to imagine what it was like not to know it.”
“Develop the mindset that prompts you to continue pressing pass your norms – you’ll begin to discover a whole new you.”
“In spiritually arid centuries, the only man to realize that the century is dying from thirst is the man who still harnesses an underground spring.”
“Knowledge is what makes the human being rich and not otherwise. Whoever thinks that money determines rich or poor is so wrong or in another way to put it he/she is so shallow”
“[L]ean start-ups are the small furry mammals competing with the large dinosaurs—meaning they’re one asteroid strike away from world dominance. Exponential technology is that asteroid.”
“For linear-thinking companies, the six Ds of exponentials are the six horsemen of the apocalypse—no question about it.”
“Seals:The Five Cosmic Seals are five occult Level 333, 666, 999, 1330 and 003 operating 400,000 minuet mystical degrees.”
“First Cosmic Seal:(Devic Seal 333) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 40,000 spirits.”
“A person with great knowledge is truly wealthy.”
“When I was eighteen or twenty, I knew everything except what I wanted. I knew all about people, and poetry, and love, and music, and politics, and baseball, and history, and I played pretty good jazz piano. And then I went traveling, because I felt that I might have missed something and it would be a good idea to learn it before I got my master’s degree. (…) And the older I grew, and the farther I traveled, the younger I grew and the less I knew. I could feel it happening to me. I could actually walk down a dirty street and feel all my wisdom slipping away from me, all the things I wrote term papers about.”
“Wasting time is living in self glorification instead of glorifying God as God is time”
“Life isn’t static, and sometimes, we don’t realize the value of knowledge or even of people, until further down the track, when we’re mature enough to truly understand.”
“The key question, it seemed to him, was that of whether man was to obey Nature, or attempt to command her. It had been answered long, long ago, claimed Moss; man’s very essence lay in the fact that he had elected to command. But to Stenham that seemed a shallow reply. To him wisdom consisted in the conscious and joyous obedience to natural laws, yet when he had said that to Moss, Moss had laughed pityingly. ‘My dear man, wisdom is a primitive concept,’ he had told him. ‘What we want now is knowledge.’ Only great disillusionment could make a man say such a thing, Stenham believed.”
“Execution is something, but timing is everything.”