All Quotes By Tag: Life
“To be compassionate, you have to forget your own comfort zone and live well because you live beyond yourself.”
“Just as you are what you think, you are also what you dream.”
“What bothers you today or gives you concerns could be a signpost to your purpose in life.”
“Stay with your passion but have a philosophy that is beyond your strength so that you can have a legacy, even a legacy that will outlast you.”
“When everybody contributes a change to what he or she notices, it is then we will change our world.”
“Sqauash is the only game where you call your ‘opponent’ a ‘partner’, and both of you play on the same side!”
“هناك من يحتاج الفريق ليصبح قويا، وهناك من يحتاجه الفريق ليصبح قويا. قويا بذاته، وحيادا متميزا محلقا منفردا بين الغيوم. هذا هو الصقر يا بني، لذا اتخذته الشعوب شعاراً لأعلامها و زين دروع القادة”
“…but that’s life. One long tunnel. There are lights along the way. Sometimes they feel spread farther apart than others, but they’re there. And when you find one, it’s okay to stand under it for a while to catch your breath before marching back into the dark”
“From experience in the past we create memories, which are the basis of imagination and desire. Desire is the basis of action, once again. And so the cycle perpetuates itself. In Vedic tradition and in Buddhism this cycle is known as the Wheel of Samsara.”
“A desire and a goal not to be subservient to another or to be in charge of one’s life is a good thing to do.”
“A man’s life is not qualified by how much wealth, power, pleasure or control he has, but by the values of godliness he possesses.”
“When justice is prioritized by any leader at any level then to give justice to the citizenry will always be at the back of the mind of such a leader.”
“The light of the Kingdom of God remains the strongest weapon for you to fight with in order to have a continuous victory over the enemies.”
“You must be determined to overcome the insults of the ungodliness of this world with the weapon of the light inside of you.”
“A steward in the above scripture is a servant who serves.”