“Fe es aquello que nos permite creer en cosas que sabemos que no son ciertas.”

“وعندما أنامُ ليلًا أعرفُ أنني سأنهضُ مجددًا ، ولكن لن يكون هناك فجر بل ظلام فقط”

“On my website there’s a quote from the writer Anthony Burgess: “The greatest gift is the passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind.” I’ve always found that inspiring because the written word, as an art form, is unlike any other: movies, TV, music, they’re shared experiences, but books aren’t like that. The relationship between a writer and a reader is utterly unique to those two individuals. The world that forms in your head as you read a book will be slightly different to that experienced by every other reader. Anywhere. Ever. Reading is very personal, a communication from one mind to another, something which can’t be exactly copied, or replicated, or directly shared. If I read the work of, say, one of the great Victorian novelists, it’s like a gift from the past, a momentary connection to another’s thoughts. Their ideas are down on paper, to be picked up by me, over a century later. Writers can speak individually to readers across a year, or ten years, or a thousand. That’s why I love books.”

“Our books are the deepest glimpses into our souls, the most raw and real anybody will ever find us.”

“You try spending six months sitting at somebody’s bedside, waiting for them to die and then tell me that the happy-ending love story isn’t one of God’s good gifts.”

“Even if we try to conform to ideals and strive for perfection, we will always be pulled back to our core identity because it’s the path of least resistance for our souls – an energy force that wants nothing more than for us to honor and accept who we are and discover what we’re meant to do in the world.”

“Can you identify the source preventing you from feeling good every single day, from loving yourself unconditionally and making your dreams come true? Is it a voice in your head or a gut wrenching ache that compromises your inner peace and doesn’t allow you to accept the love around you? Is there one thing, or maybe many things, keeping you from forgiving your past and moving forward, tormenting you with lies like “You don’t deserve real love so just settle for whatever you can get,” “You’re not smart enough to achieve your dream so don’t even try,” or “Look at your past… you should hate yourself way more than you actually do!”?Welcome to your Little Monster.”

“في بعض الأحيان ، نتخلى عن درب ما ، لأننا ببساطة لا نؤمن بها . وهذا سهل ، فكل ما علينا فعله إثبات أن تلك الطريق ليست لنا . لكن الأحداث التي تبدأ بالحصول ، والإلهام الذي يأتينا خلال مسيرتنا ،يبعثان فينا الخوف من المتابعة”

“I never want you to deny anything about yourself because you have grown up thinking it’s unacceptable or inconvenient for the people around you.”

“This is your life – not your parents’, teachers’ or significant other’s. If you ever find yourself on a path that just doesn’t feel safe anymore, you have every right to stop the car, get out – change your shoes and start walking.”

“Rough palms cradled my face while my fingers gripped the pillow on either side of his. Lips, teeth, tongue, mingled together. I ate him up and didn’t let go until I had to come up for air.”

“Being a Dream Girl is never going to be about what you look like or how much you weigh. After all, our physical appearances are just reflections of our inner worlds. What makes you a Dream Girl is your emotional sensitivity, your self-awareness, and your ability to communicate who you are effectively and compassionately in the world.”

“Relate comic things in pompous fashion. Irregularity, in other words the unexpected, the surprising, the astonishing, are essential to and characteristic of beauty. Two fundamental literary qualities: supernaturalism and irony. The blend of the grotesque and the tragic are attractive to the mind, as is discord to blasé ears. Imagine a canvas for a lyrical, magical farce, for a pantomime, and translate it into a serious novel. Drown the whole thing in an abnormal, dreamy atmosphere, in the atmosphere of great days … the region of pure poetry.”

“من شأن السجود أن يصبح باردًا ويغرق في الملل المألوف إن تركت انتباهك يشت عنه .ولكن إن حافظت على تركيزك ، فإنك تتحمل بذلك مسؤولية الحفاظ على روحك”

“As a rule of thumb, it was always safer if the Commander-in-Chief formulated a risky plan.”