All Quotes By Tag: Personal-growth
“Send your child to school for education, not for attendance”
“Always, always, always love your mother.No one else will ever love you like she does.”
“Action without intent is a waste of effort.”
“Happiness attracts happiness”
“When you persevere and persist and finally reach the top of the mountain: the sense of pride that you feel is priceless!”
“Dreams provide glimpses of yourself and your life that you might not otherwise see: your deepest desires, untapped potential, self-defeating patterns, and opportunities for greater happiness.”
“Self-development is a way of Life. Our Self-Development never ends. We are never too young or too old for personal growth.We have an amazing potential to reach our highest potential, to have truly inspiring careers and loving relationships.”
“The more I appreciate me, my strengths, my weaknesses and personal growth plan, the happier I become.”
“Being kind makes us happier. Rather than being weighed down by negative thoughts or speaking negatively to others, we’re sharing something that uplifts. It is uplifting to both the receiver and the giver.”
“Our bodies play a huge role in the accomplishment of our goals and our overall happiness. Embodiment… is about tuning into our physical bodies and learning ways to support our health and well-being so that we can do what we need to do, and enjoy the journey.”
“I’m not saying that it is necessary, expected or even desirable that we live in that experience of warm-hearted, big-smile love every second of every minute of every day. Life flows, and it’s natural to have a variety of feelings and experiences. However, it supports our own and others’ growth and happiness to be able to feel and act from a place of love at will and when the situation calls for it.”
“Everything is connected – words, thoughts, emotions, our energy level…. Because of this interconnectedness, we can influence how we feel through our words. The more we begin to observe our words, the more we can use them to better our lives.”
“As material items can still leave us feeling unfulfilled, perhaps a better gauge of success is simply happiness, finding enjoyment in what we do.”
“If by growing up you mean allowing the adult within me to abandon the child within me, I have no interest in such a horrid proposition. If instead you mean to let each enhance the other at the exclusion of neither, I have every interest.”
“For the future, I shall rely only upon those elements of my character which I have tested. Who would ever have said that I should find pleasure in shedding tears? That I should love the man who proves to me that I am nothing more than a fool?”