“Yoga is not only a process of the integration of the soul, mind, and body for self-improvement, it is a process of self -realization and self -acceptance.”

“To reject the Holy Scripture is to reject the Holy Spirit.”

“Faith fuels the strength within.”

“Every change, those subtle-slow, and those drastically sudden, has brought me into myself.”

“Self-acceptance is the basis of a happy life.”

“We experience happiness on a sensory level that is relatively short-lived. But lasting happiness is related to our state of mind.”

“If in day to day life you lead a good life, honestly, with love, compassion, and less selfishness, then automatically you will find peace.”

“Just as a child is freely given, so is God’s grace.”

“There is a sacred time, when the soul desire to know the spirit.”

“O God make us your people. Be our God!”

“All paths may wind again towards the light if hope survives the long night between.”

“I am doing’ is referred to as parparinati. To believe any results of the non-Self (parparinam) to be one’s own, is parparinati. After attaining this Akram Gnan [Knowledge of Self-realization] parparinati does not arise at all.”