“Praise the God of all, drink the wine, and let the world be the world.”

“Only if the humans could realize the inexplicable happiness that comes from loving others, there would no longer be any trace of hatred and discrimination in the world.”

“Anything that comes your way by force was not meant for you. Everything that locates you on it’s own was yours and will be yours forever.”

“Bravery is the choice to show up and listen to another person, be it a loved one or perceived foe, even when it is uncomfortable, painful, or the last thing you want to do.”

“Your words, thoughts, intentions and actions today are your best hope, comfort, building blocks and insurance for tomorrow. But it is now alone that is guaranteed – tomorrow is a dream, a maybe a potential gift. It’s now – not tomorrow – where happiness and fulfilment live…awaiting your discovery. It’s all this that will make each extra day that may arrive extra special and rich.”

“Happiness is attained, not through self-interest, but through unconditional fidelity in endless love of eternal light.”

“For the wise have always known that no one can make much of his life until self-searching has become a regular habit, until he is able to admit and accept what he finds, and until he patiently and persistently tries to correct what is wrong. – Bill W.”

“Acceptance means no complaining, and happiness means no complaining about the things over which you can do nothing.”

“Learn to love someone when they least deserve it, because that is when they need your love most.”