“i’m glad to be alive in a world wherehis gently awakening eyesnourish the morning sun.”

“I called the world of phenomena an illusion, I called my eyes and my tongue and accident, valueless phenomena. No, that is all over; I have awakened, I have really awakened and have just been born today.”

“And, for one– ten thousandth of a second, all of it fell away, the despair and grief and anger and pain and hunger, and the old Ben Parish rose from the dead. The eyes that impaled. The smile that slayed. In another moment, he would fade, slide back into the new Ben, the one called Zombie, and I understood something I hadn’t before: He was dead, the object of my schoolgirl desires, just as the schoolgirl who desired him was dead.”

“How many times were you born, after your birth date … And how many times, have you died?”

“The less you know, the more you will be knownThe less you want, the more you will haveThe less you are, the more you will be”

“Trust the Universe. It is Father and Mother for all Lightworkers. Your way is never darkness.”


“Self discovery is the most empowering time of your life, you remember who you are and you become the best version of yourself but what they forget to tell you is, to get to a point of pleasure you must face the pain.”

“Sometimes you’re not ready to give the world quite what it wants. And that’s okay, because the Earth is generously patient.”