“It is better to create than to wait.”

“My dream is to create this life not consume it.”

“If we can write or sing or create in some way, even when we are dealing with difficulties or pain, then it becomes something bigger than ourselves — and often beautiful.”

“Strength other than that received from God is just hype manufactured by men.”

“It is up to you to fill the blank pages of this fairytale.”

“People who found something to live and die for always live in the hope of success. They never allow doubts to create distances between them and their harvest time. That is also their decision.”

“Everything in creation has its appointed painter or poet and remains in bondage like the princess in the fairy tale ’til its appropriate liberator comes to set it free.”

“Think of yourself as a brand. You need to be remembered. What will they remember you for? What defines you? If you have it in you, do something that defines you. Invent something, develop a unique skill, get noticed for something — it creates a talking point.”

“The French say you get hungry when you’re eating, and I get inspired when I’m working. It’s my engine”

“Rulers are not anointed. They are created by the void of self-mastery.”

“You cannot build a dream on a foundation of sand. To weather the test of storms, it must be cemented in the heart with uncompromising conviction.”

“Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality.”

“If you spend your whole life trying to find yourself, you might miss your chance to create the person you’re trying to find.”

“Voice up to let out wisdom Stand up for what is trueYour life can create a differenceIt’s certainly up to you!”

“I am happy.I have something to accomplish, create, and achieve.I am happy.”