All Quotes By Tag: God
“Those of us who embrace the feminine know its strength.”
“We degrade God too much, ascribing to him our ideas, in vexation at being unable to understand Him.”
“You can’t selectively numb your anger, any more than you can turn off all lights in a room, and still expect to see the light.”
“If we become aware that someone is sending thoughts of ill will in our direction, we do not argue with the apparent reality of malice. To do so would give it more substance. We remove the personal sense of ourself and the other person.”
“Let us tell them the painful truth, that most of these works of art are about God, whom we never mention in polite society.”
“On peut chercher dans Dieu le complice et l’ami qui manquent toujours. Dieu est l’éternel confident dans cette tragédie dont chacun est le héros.”
“People are not being reached in the context of the body of Christ–they’re like newborn babies being left on a doorstep somewhere to feed and care for themselves.”
“I think that must be a lot like how God has it–not to sound as if I think I’m anything like God, mind you. But the whole idea–sitting up there behind glass you can’t be seen through. The person down below looks up and it’s just a reflection of themselves, a mirror is what they see. But behind the glass, somebody who loves you more than anything is watching, and is hoping for the best for you, and cheering you on, and is loving you even when you are doing something you shouldn’t be.”
“Satan is too hard a master. He would never command as did the Other with divine simplicity: ‘Do likewise.’ The devil will have no victims resemble him. He permits only a rough caricature, impotent, abject, which has to serve as food for eternal irony, the mordant irony of the depths.”
“Courage is the starting point of everything good. To love another is to automatically feed the fire of courage. We cannot be humiliated when we are fighting for someone or something we love. We will not give up when we are fighting for loved ones. As we evolve, our loved ones extend out from our family to include all of humanity. Courage and confidence will grow over the years with practice and self-awareness. We are never alone. God will help us. Such is the courage which gains respect from others. More importantly, we gain respect for ourselves.”
“برغم أن وجود الله ليس مرتبطاً بإيماننا; لكن إدراكنا لهذا الوجود مرتبط كلياً بحجم إيماننا”
“Your faith is your conscience, and your conscience is your faith. You cannot have faith without a conscience, but you can have a conscience without faith. Man was designed to be good with or without religion, yet the challenge for many is staying good. Some people claim to be religious but have no conscience, while some people without religion are very much aware of their conscience. Therefore, a religious label does not define your character or validate your worth. In the end, all men will be judged by the amount of truth in them and the weight of their hearts. The heavier the conscience, the heavier the truth. The lighter the heart, the higher it goes. The only spiritual currency one has in the afterlife is amassed in the form of light, in that, the amount you have depends on the weight of your words and deeds in the living. Conscience is everything. Conscience is what connects us to the truth and light of the highest power source of all. God. The cosmic heart of the universe.”
“يرضّ الجدري جسد أيوب عليه السلام، تتشتت أسرته، تتبعثر أملاكه، أكثر الناس تفاؤلا يفقد الأمل في شفائه، وهو صابر محتسب! تشتعل الأسقام في جسده وهو منكّس الرأس لمولاه، وبعد سنوات البلاء، يندّ من شفتيه دعاء حيي، دعاء منكّس رأسه بذلة، دعاء ممتلئ باليقين: “أنّي مسني الضر وأنت أرحم الراحمين”
“I believe that water is the closest thing to a god we have here on Earth. We are in awe of its power and majestic beauty. We are drawn to it as if it’s a magical, healing force. We gestate in water, are made of water, and need to drink water to live. We are living in water.”
“Relationships are valuable no matter who they are between.”