“Being aware of who you are, you will ensure that you do not waste your time spending energy on unnecessary things”

“It’s always your assumptions about you, about others, about future that make reality worse than it actually is.”

“All of us suffer in life, but the ones who bring the suffering find the greatest pain. The wounds we inflict upon others are the most painful for us.”

“I don’t have the heart to tell him that’s the wrong way to think about the world. There will always be more questions Every answer leads to more questions. The only way to survive is to let some of them go.”

“You must know the purpose of your life and reach it confidently”

“Humility and Dignity had a daughter, called Arrogance, who was ashamed of her name and used to hide behind Pride. But Pride was in love with Truth, therefore arrogance married Illusion and forever despised Truth. Pride and Truth had a daughter, called Happiness, while Arrogance and Illusion had a son, called Despair. When both meet, one of them cries.”

“In the pursuit of dreams, we all have different beginnings. Your past is not negotiable. You must let go of the hope for a better past.”

“He pondered his turmoil, wondering which he feared most—losing his father or being alone in the world. Both were inevitable. Neither could be stopped or slowed down. All he could do now was brace for impact.”

“You must know the purpose of your life and be completely dedicated to it”

“Entire lives aren’t lessons, but there are lessons in lives.”

“We can’t help the way we’re born. We can’t help what we are, only what life we choose to make for ourselves”

“I gave up drinking before my twentieth birthday. I haven’t touched the stuff since. And I’ve discovered that not everyone who does horrible things is a horrible person.”

“و عندما إعتزلت العالم؛ وجدت نفسك، وجدت الحقيقة الغائبة، تصالحت مع خطاياك الكثيرة، و استمتعت بإخفاقاتك العديدة، تخلصت من أجنحة الملاك الكاذب، و مسحت عن وجهك المساحيق، واجهت صورتك أمام المرآة، و حجمك المجرد من تراهاتك الساذجة، إستعدلت حلتك المتواضعة، و خرجت بين الناس في سكون، قطرة يحملها سيل عرم، تتحرك بلا مقاومة و لا تفكير، لا تتسابق و لا تتجاوز الآخرين، فقط تقوم بما يجب أن تقوم به، و تستقر في النهاية في وعائها المقدر، و للعجب؛ لم تكن الرحلة مختلفة، فما إستطاع تمردها في السابق أن يغير المسار، و لم يستطع عصيانها أن يختار الوعاء، كانت و مازالت تتحرك و تستقر حيثما قدر لها، كانت واهمة؛ غالبتها الظنون حتى نسيت ما هي ؟ و عندما أدركت تحققت: قطرة و لها دور مهم؛ و لكنه محدد.”

“It feels like I’m stuck in one spot. It’s been this way for a long time. I know you understand, but now you’re moving on without me. And I—I’m not ready to be alone.”

“It’s like everyone has their own little recipe for happiness, but no one really seems all that happy.”