“She hadn’t lied. She hadn’t betrayed anyone’s trust; still, she felt she had done something wrong. Or rather, she had not yet done the right thing. Was there a difference between these two sins?”

“I used to think that once you really knew a thing, its truth would shine on forever. Now it’s pretty obvious to me that more often than not the batteries fade, and sometimes what you knew even goes out with a bang when you try and call on it, just like a light bulb cracking off when you throw the switch.”

“The ordinary can be like medicine.”

“I did not know if the story was factually true or not, but it was emotionally true […].”

“Truth is a mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, anthropomorphisms, in short a sum of human relations which have been subjected to poetic and rhetorical intensification, translation and decoration […]; truths are illusions of which we have forgotten that they are illusions, metaphors which have become worn by frequent use and have lost all sensuous vigour […]. Yet we still do not know where the drive to truth comes from, for so far we have only heard about the obligation to be truthful which society imposes in order to exist”from, “On Truth and Lying in a Non-Moral Sense”.”

“To crooked eyes truth may wear a wry face”

“If truth doesn’t set you free, generosity of spirit will.”

“Without balance, a life is no longer worth the effort.”

“Why do we weep once we know that everything will be alright? We weep because the only way everything could ever be alright is in fiction. We weep because what we’ve seen can’t be true, no matter how badly we wish it were. We weep at the truth.”

“It’s not a lie if you don’t tell the truth.But it’s fucked up if you falsify the fact.”

“There is no such thing as magic, supernatural, miracle; only something that’s still beyond logic of the observer.”

“Many years ago someone told me something that I flatly refused to accept. And I still don’t accept it now, despite all the times I’ve seen it proved right.”The common good and the individual good rarely coincide…”Sure, I know, it’s true.But some truths are probably worse than lies.”

“I ask myself: is every story that has ever been written in this world, a story of suffering and affliction?”

“I was born subject like others to errors and defects,But never to the error of wanting to understand too much,Never to the error of wanting to understand only with the intellect..Never to the defect of demanding of the WorldThat it be anything that’s not the World.”

“Between what i see in a field and what I see in another fieldThere passes for a moment the figure of a man.His steps go with “him” in the same reality,But I look at him and them, and they’re two things:The “man” goes walking with his ideas, false and foreign,And his steps go with the ancient system that makes legs walk.I see him from a distance without any opinion at all.How perfect that he is in him what he is — his body,His true reality which doesn’t have desires or hopes,But muscles and the sure and impersonal way of using them.”