“Conscience is much larger than plain, cold intelligence. Without the warmth of humanhood, intelligence brings more separation and loneliness in the society, than does religious fundamentalism.”

“I have found that when I intentionally control my thoughts, walk humbly, love and forgive unconditionally, generally, I have a pretty good day.”

“[T]he world is richer in associations than meanings . . . and it is the part of wisdom to distinguish between the two.”

“Breathe your way to a calmer, healthier, happier life. Heavily. Down the phone to a terrified woman.”

“Regardless of our efforts, we have arrived at the inevitable destination of apathy.”

“Not all things come to pass as we expect them.”

“I am beginning to think yuppie parents lie to their offspring, telling them they’re suffering from food allergies when they’re actually not, hoping to con their hypercompetitive children into eating whatever trendy diet promises to help them grow into big, strong, overly self-esteemed junk bond traders.”

“Gossip is the biggest hindrance to building trust and productivity in organizations across America.”

“She felt very old and mature and wise—which showed how young she was. She told herself that she longed greatly to go back to those dear merry days when life was seen through a rosy mist of hope and illusion, and possessed an indefinable something that had passed away forever. Where was it now—the glory and the dream?”

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”

“Truth and Wisdom are always attractive and beautiful even when they are not attractive and beautiful, or mankind would not be seeking them so much despite the harsh reality they portrayed at times.”

“I learned that one should always listen to their own heart. There is no greater wisdom than what you know.”

“I am the essence of magic, its mysteriousness, its beauty and its ability to make things happen when people couldn’t see how!”

“James felt as he always felt waiting to deliver this kind of news: like an emotional mugger, smashing into other people’s calm lives, leaving agony and loss behind. The aloofness of his role built his guilt, his distance from their pain. That he could introduce himself to people to deliver news that ruined them, with no wounds of his own to show in solidarity. He was the professional, like a doctor, slicing through their existence then going back to his own clean life.”

“خراب البيوت خير من هدمها على أصحابها”