“Debts written on the wind tend to be … forgotten”

“The will to solve problems inhabits only a few in this world. Lesser people are content with complaining, scapegoating, spilling blood…”

“Let come what comes,Let go what goes,See what remains.”

“Everybody wants to be somebody’s Yoda.”

“The mistake was to think that the hawks were flying under their own power, when in fact they were catching the updrafts created by nature’s power. Therefore, to truly rise is not a product of our own brute force wherein we create the power. Rather, it is a seasoned wisdom that knows where to find the power.”

“Man should listen to nature because she has wisdom beyond our knowledge.”

“As I got older, I started to cut out food that was bad for me. As I got wiser, I did the same with people.”

“Being an affirming person and building an affirming culture in your organization will literally shift your organization into a whole new place and onto a whole new level.”

“A person can influence a situation or the situation can influence a person.”

“A lasting happiness cannot be attained by seeking temporary happiness.”

“Accidents—you never have them till you’re having them.”—Eeyore”

“বোধোদয় অর্জনের কিছু নয়,বোধোদয় অনুভব করার কিছু!”

“No problem is too difficult to be solved by a theoretician.”

“If you numb pain you might ignore one of our greatest teachers. As a result, another message can be lost in translation.”

“Approaching new people, never being afraid to ask questions, clearly expressing emotions, moving, playing and laughing. There is a lot we can learn from our children.”