All Quotes By Tag: Wisdom
“If you numb pain you might ignore one of our greatest teachers. As a result, another message can be lost in translation.”
“Approaching new people, never being afraid to ask questions, clearly expressing emotions, moving, playing and laughing. There is a lot we can learn from our children.”
“You don’t learn confidence, you remember it.”
“Before a child learns the limits of our narratives, they have more potential than we could ever imagine.”
“May we recognise the species of trees before we learn the symbols of corporations, may we learn the songs of the birds before the top 40. May we touch hearts before we touch screens.”
“Sometimes, changing just one thought, view, belief or behaviour can change your entire life.”
“Experience is not the best teacher. The consequence from experience is the best teacher. No consequence no lesson.”
“It is possible to be in the Way of Excellence and still lose. Think about this for a moment. Would you rather experience playing, competing and performing at your all-time best in the Zone and lose, or play awful, get lucky and win? When put in this perspective, the definition of winning and losing is not clear. In other words, it is possible to lose and still perform like a winner, just as it is possible to win and play like a loser.”
“In a revolution of consciousness the windows slowly become mirrors. We will see that there was only an illusion of freedom and at the same time we are forced to look at ourselves and contemplate the consequences of our own actions.”
“True wisdom is not acquired by capturing knowledge, it is earned by acting upon knowledge. True bravery is not the absence of fear, it is doing what you feel is the right thing to do, in spite of fear.”
“If I am angry when others act negatively, I am also acting negatively.”
“It’s humbling to think how different you would be if you were born in a different time.”
“Hums aren’t things which you get; they get you.”—Winnie the Pooh”
“Later, when Ged thought back upon that night, he knew that had none had touched him when he lay thus spirit-lost, had none called him back in some way, he might have been lost for good. It was only the dumb instinctive wisdom of the beast who licks his hurt companion to comfort him, and yet in that wisdom Ged saw something akin to his own power, something that went as deep as wizardry. From that time forth he believed that the wise man is one who never sets himself apart from other living things, whether they have speech or not, and in later years he strove long to learn what can be learned, in silence, from the eyes of animals, the flight of birds, the greet slow gestures of trees.”
“Later, when Ged thought back upon that night, he knew that had none had touched him when he lay thus spirit-lost, had none called him back in some way, he might have been lost for good. It was only the dumb instinctive wisdom of the beast who licks his hurt companion to comfort him, and yet in that wisdom Ged saw something akin to his own power, something that went as deep as wizardry. From that time forth he believed that the wise man is one who never sets himself apart from other living things, whether they have speech or not, and in later years he strove long to learn what can be learned, in silence, from the eyes of animals, the flight of birds, the great slow gestures of trees.”