“If I am angry when others act negatively, I am also acting negatively.”

“It’s humbling to think how different you would be if you were born in a different time.”

“Hums aren’t things which you get; they get you.”—Winnie the Pooh”

“Her dads warned her that some people won’t understand their family and might say ignorant (their word) and hurtful things to her and it might not be their fault because of what they’ve been taught by other ignorant people with too much hate in their hearts, and, yes, it was very sad. Wen assumed they were talking about the same bad or stranger-danger people that hide in the city and want to take her away, but the more they talked to her about what Scott had said and why others might say things like that, too, the more it seemed like they were talking about everyday kind of people. Weren’t the three of them everyday kind of people? She pretended to understand for her dads’ sake, but she didn’t and still doesn’t. Why do she and her family need to be understood or explained to anyone else?”

“When you pay rent, you are paying for permission to be on a piece of land that predates the landlord by billions of years.”

“Even idiots can reach old age.”

“The Kena Upanishad says that the Self “shines through the mind and senses,” which is a poetic way of saying that it is the power of the Self which allows the mind and senses to function. So the eternally conscious Self is what makes us conscious. Essentially, it is light. At times when our inner vision becomes pure enough to let us see through the layers of psychic debris that thickens our consciousness and make it opaque, we realize that everything is actually made of light. We understand that we are light, that the world is light, and that light is the essence of everything. This is why so many people’s experience of touching the Self are experiences of light – visions, inner luminosity, or profound and crystalline clarity.”

“True wisdom consists in not making life any harder than it has to be.”

“True education fills hearts with wisdom and kindness.”

“Amplify with your authority instead of shouting publicity. A sell only goes so far. Your experience, knowledge and authenticity have the endurance to engage and sustain a connection.”

“Commander Vimes always says that when life hands you a mess of spaghetti, you just keep pulling until you find a meatball.”

“Buy it today, read it tonight, awaken with a new awareness.”

“There are many ways of being clever, but only one way of being wise.”

“The truth to reconcile these truths he found in the experience of men, which the men of his generation must have realized far beyond others, that pain and error have their purpose and their use: they are steps of the ladder of knowledge: God, whose law it is that he who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despite, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. (Aeschylus, Agamemnon)”