“Don’t be surprised when you open your crying eyes to the world before our heavenly sunrise, and it closes, shines those shut lids, blinds become eclipse realms I feel overwhelmed bywhat a surprise the final sunset lookslike deep inside your eyes closingthe line between hidden and revealedin the ink dripped seal”

“If you want to make American great again, make America love again.”

“Why don’t I lose sleep over haters? Because I know that their hate for me is just an indication of a much bigger psychological issue. Haters are rarely better off than you personally or professionally… and if they were to just focus on their own life instead of mine, they would be so much better off. But that’s their problem; not mine. I’ll sleep fine and continue living my dream.”

“Let Buddha light your way with wisdom so that you may follow the right path for you.”

“The birth of a great idea comes through you, not from you.”

“It’s humbling to think how little we contribute to our own ideas.”

“The man who does not plan for the future will come to regret it.”

“Far too often my priorities become the things that are right in front of me rather than being the things that create the foundation underneath me.”

“While the mind seeks praise, the heart disguises its intelligence.”

“Justice?… Justice is a delusion you will not find on this or any other sphere.And wisdom? Wisdom is no part of dreams, lithe walker, though dreams are a part of the sum of each life’s experiences, which is the only wisdom that matters.But revelation? That is the province of dream. It can be yours, but only if your heart is strong”

“Vividly mortal on the verge of outrageous ideals blending in with the flowing concept of a caged singing bird longing for the final chaos only the wind will ever bring, undergoing the slow progress of the third wave of the futuristic trance. Analyze the crux of new age black holes characterizing your mind with mine, never fall in love while you’re dead asleep at the wheel; turning degrees higher than the circling star above the golden ceiling, and despite the rough hard intellect one poem by accident or purpose will bring any being to their knees, cutting off your tongue for her motherly instinct outside any language, and further than any classic realm reborn of dying art forgotten of by beautiful deceptions and silver screens dreams.”

“The moral? To recognize that our best chance of contentment lies in taking up the wisdom offered to us in coded form through our coughs, allergies, social gaffes, and emotional betrayals, and to avoid the ingratitude of those who blame the peas, the bores, the time, and the weather.”

“A strong and capable leader can stand on their own two feet. A wimpy puppet of a leader needs to have their father, their father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, sister, nursemaid, paid ‘yes’ people, etc. prop him up. That’s fine if he is a baby, but not fine when he is a grown man. If he is capable of leading a company without the help of nepotism, then his workers will respect him and naturally get motivated to support him as a leader. – Strong by Kailin Gow”

“Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is tragedy. Ignorance is devastation. Ignorance creates lack. Ignorance creates disease. Ignorance will shorten your life. Ignorance will empty your life and leave you with the husks, nothing to account for.”

“When you tell someone they made you angry, you give them complete control over how you think, how you feel and how you act, and that includes a two-year-old child.”