“We have a leadership crisis in our world today. It is based on the reality that we have developed leaders who care more about what people think about them, or how they are seen than they care about those that follow them.”

“Oversimplifying the cosmos just for a transaction of currency and holy spit, those heartless fucks with time to spare, with conceptual frameworks within the word becoming flesh once again upon remote islands our soul could never escape. So my question lies with my Spanish tongue, exploring the pitch black labyrinth where you listen to the deepest drums; hung on a single string wrapping up my skin in dead languages. Oversimplifying the 21st century with a single search, the awakening hatred boiling the oceans and cities; diving below the surface, witnessing underwater queens and goddesses drenched in my lovers scent and deadly sex untouchedby any depth.”

“Vividly mortal on the verge of outrageous ideals blending in with the flowing concept of a caged singing bird longing for the final chaos only the wind will ever bring, undergoing the slow progress of the third wave of the futuristic trance. Analyze the crux of new age black holes characterizing your mind with mine, never fall in love while you’re dead asleep at the wheel; turning degrees higher than the circling star above the golden ceiling, and despite the rough hard intellect one poem by accident or purpose will bring any being to their knees, cutting off your tongue for her motherly instinct outside any language, and further than any classic realm reborn of dying art forgotten of by beautiful deceptions and silver screens dreams.”

“The moral? To recognize that our best chance of contentment lies in taking up the wisdom offered to us in coded form through our coughs, allergies, social gaffes, and emotional betrayals, and to avoid the ingratitude of those who blame the peas, the bores, the time, and the weather.”

“A strong and capable leader can stand on their own two feet. A wimpy puppet of a leader needs to have their father, their father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, sister, nursemaid, paid ‘yes’ people, etc. prop him up. That’s fine if he is a baby, but not fine when he is a grown man. If he is capable of leading a company without the help of nepotism, then his workers will respect him and naturally get motivated to support him as a leader. – Strong by Kailin Gow”

“Let go and let in. When we avoid prejudging our sources of information, we become more receptive to what they have to offer. If we come to listening with a blank slate, our environment can write on it what we need to hear. Similarly, if our mental and sensory channels are open, there’s more room to import energy and information.”

“Conscience is much larger than plain, cold intelligence. Without the warmth of humanhood, intelligence brings more separation and loneliness in the society, than does religious fundamentalism.”

“Words make it possible for our thoughts to travel through time and survive us.”

“Words allow us to unravel the knot inside and to make sense of our loss, not bury it within. For in our sadness and pain, we can be remade. We can learn how to understand our trauma and give it a container — a story — to hold it.”

“There’s the old saying about ‘killing two birds with one stone’. However, most of us aren’t paying enough attention to know what the birds are, and even if we did we wouldn’t know where to find the stones. So maybe we should start looking for both.”

“When you master your bate, you master your life.”

“Don’t be sad dear hearts, don’t burden your precious self with regrets.Everything we do and everyone we meet teaches us a valuable lesson along the way.Every single experience is needed, nothing is a waste of time.Each encounter is teaching us to become stronger, wiser and to have faith in our own soul,Only then every step we take will lead us to peace and freedom.”

“A professor once told me: Sir, you are insane! In which I replied: Sir, I am just eccentrically very normal !”

“Mercy is far better than justice, even if it is your right to ask for it.”

“To discover the depth, leave the surface and to discover the surface, leave the depth! You shall meet wisdom only when you know both the surface and the depth!”