“Don’t close your heart off to the beauty of the world. Let the light shine over you.”

“I am the girl that goes backwards, takes wrong turns, stumbles in life’s chasms. I am also the girl that finds gold where others feared to stray. Perhaps because I follow my heart, instead of sage advice thrown my way.”

“I doubt I was much of a storyteller, but I would have put that smile in my book. On page 104, right next to the image of the Ward. I would have written it on my heart. I would have proofread it a thousand times under a thousand moons until a thousand tears thoroughly rationalized what it meant to me. Each time for when I’d met the darkness, and then succumbed. The smile read “you can’t break me’”—bold and in italics.”

“You have filled my life with the warmth of your love. My heart, once frozen with betrayal, now beats only for you.”

“So often the pathway or decision that’s ultimately the right one foryou is NOT the one that’s coming from your rational mind. It’s tuninginto what your intuition and heart have been trying to tell you.”

“New people in our lives are just like series of events in our lives, they can change our whole way of thinking, introducing us to knew ways of moving forward, allowing us to knock down road blocks that kept our heart at bay.”

“Ready to feel again. Ready to trust again. Ready to love again. The heart gets knocked down but it does not stay down.”

“He had been dazzled. Because of the dazzling brightness, he had had to kill [Seigen]. All who had encountered Seigen had had their hearts stolen by that brightness. That envy had turned to malice.”

“The world you are in –Is the true hell.The journey to Truth itselfIs what quickens the heart to become lighter.The lighter the heart, the purer it is.The purer the heart, the closer to light it becomes.And the heavier the heart,The more chained to this hellIt will remain.”

“YOU ARE JUSTYou are not just for the right or left,but for what is right over the wrong.You are not just rich or poor,but always wealthy in the mind and heart.You are not perfect, but flawed.You are flawed, but you are just.You may just be conscious human,but you are also a magnificentreflection of God.”

“This life is quite a rave- few heartaches, some long waits, altering faiths & breaking cliches!”

“A colorful body with fabrics, tattoos and jewelry is attractive, but a colorful heart with love, truth and faith is beautiful.”

“Wake up. If your eyes are sleeping then wipe them gently. You need to be awake for this. It is a matter of life and death. Wake up! If your mind is sleeping then shake it quickly. You need to be awake for this. It is a matter of life and death. Wake up, I said! If your heart is sleeping then beat your chest! You need to be awake for life! You need to be awake for love! It is a matter of living and being alive.”

“It’s through the darkness that deep healing comes to enlighten us. Don’t be afraid of the dark and keep your Faith high instead. A healing process will only take place when we surrender to our own rebirth and a new Life will come from a stronger heart.”