“No sunset winks, but surely be followed by the sunrise! – Try to remember this on your moments of despair.”

“You can always see a light around the hopeful people and darkness around the hopeless! And what better shield you can have than having a light around you in the dusky times?”

“Without being hope to yourself, you cannot be hope to others!”

“Hope is the escapist drug of the hopeless.”

“Nothing changes, love. Ever. Hope is a fickle vixen sent to torment us with discontent. And I am done with her, and her empty promises, and wishes unfulfilled.”

“I threw my hands in the air and said show me something.He said, “if you dare come a little closer”.”

“She felt the depth of her losses before they were realized, and she wondered, Is there still hope? Did she even dare hold on to such a tenuous thing as hope?”

“Putting your time in at the office; dutifully spawning your two point five; smiling politely at your retirement party; then chewing on your bedsheet and choking on your canned peaches at the nursing home. It was better never to have been born-never to have wanted anything, never to have hoped for anything.”

“I’m pretty lost in becoming all this frost. Bitter, like Winter. Strung-out like a string of pearls.”

“I made a sorry face in response to such strong insistence, but I couldn’t believe him. Fantasies were exactly that..…..fantasies. Whimsy. Wishes. Mere castles in the sky without foundation or substance. Dreams didn’t come true. To believe so would be to believe falsely, to surrender to madness, to give in to an unreliable hope that would crush me once again as it always, always did!”

“It is ignorance that is at times incomprehensible to the wise; for instance, he may not see ‘the positive person’ or ‘the negative person’ in such a black and white way as many people do. A wise man may not understand it because, as a catalyst of wisdom, but not always wise in his own eyes, even he can learn from and give back to fools. To think that an individual has absolutely nothing to offer to the table is counter-intuitively what the wise man considers to be ‘the ignorance of hopelessness’.”

“Any fool can hope when success lies plainly in view. It wants genuine strength to hope when matters are hopeless.”

“They want us to be afraid. They want us to be afraid of leaving our homes. They want us to barricade our doors and hide our children. Their aim is to make us fear life itself! They want us to hate. They want us to hate ‘the other’. They want us to practice aggression and perfect antagonism. Their aim is to divide us all! They want us to be inhuman. They want us to throw out our kindness. They want us to bury our love and burn our hope. Their aim is to take all our light! They think their bricked walls will separate us. They think their damned bombs will defeat us. They are so ignorant they don’t understand that my soul and your soul are old friends. They are so ignorant they don’t understand that when they cut you I bleed. They are so ignorant they don’t understand that we will never be afraid, we will never hate and we will never be silent for life is ours!”

“God can inject hope into a absolutely hopeless situation.”

“You are young; you have hopes. One by one they will go, and nothing will be left but the bare fact of life.”