All Quotes By Tag: Patience
“If only I had patience. If only I could sleep till spring. If only I were the hawthorn tree, too old to love, too wise to hate.”
“Everyone wishes to be happy but in this quick fix, fast paced world it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be truly content. While we assume that happiness depends on external factors, it actually has a lot to do with our attitude and perspective.”
“Let’s try and avoid death in small doses, reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort far greater than the simple fact of breathing.Only a burning patience will leadto the attainment of a splendid happiness.”
“Time keeps moving forward, no matter what you’re feeling.”
“Patience is supported & nurtured by a quality of forgiveness.”
“Wise men are not pacifists; they are merely less likely to jump up and retaliate against their antagonizers. They know that needless antagonizers are virtually already insecure enough.”
“Even the best inborn potentialities for achievement do not render unnecessary patient and persistent practice.”
“The years I have squandered in puerile excitement, in going hither and thither, in seeking to force nature and time, I ought to have spent in solitude and meditation, in endeavoring to make myself worthy of being loved.”
“We must accept the reality that the causes of impatience travel a two-way street.”
“Give Happiness, Patience, kindness, and Care, and the PAIN goes away.Then only LOVE remains…”
“No beating yourself up. That’s not allowed. Be patient with yourself. It took you years to form the bad habits of thought that you no longer want. It will take a littletime to form new and better ones. But I promise you this: Even a slight move in this direction will bring you some peace. The more effort you apply to it, the faster you’ll find your bliss, but you’ll experience rewards immediately.”
“Peaceful disputes are maintained when men sincerely believe that they are morally, logically correct about the issues at hand. It is when neither side is really certain that wars are instigated.”
“For the wise have always known that no one can make much of his life until self-searching has become a regular habit, until he is able to admit and accept what he finds, and until he patiently and persistently tries to correct what is wrong. – Bill W.”
“Patience, more than the ability to bear pains or endure waiting, is to be calm no matter what happens – constantly take action to turn it to positive growth opportunities – and have faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you are waiting.”
“The best teachers have showed me that things have to be done bit by bit. Nothing that means anything happens quickly–we only think it does. The motion of drawing back a bow and sending an arrow straight into a target takes only a split second, but it is a skill many years in the making. So it is with a life, anyone’s life. I may list things that might be described as my accomplishments in these few pages, but they are only shadows of the larger truth, fragments separated from the whole cycle of becoming. And if I can tell an old-time story now about a man who is walking about, waudjoset ndatlokugan, a forest lodge man, alesakamigwi udlagwedewugan, it is because I spent many years walking about myself, listening to voices that came not just from the people but from animals and trees and stones.”