“What does ‘community service’ mean? It destroys ‘my’ (sense of attachment for specific things, especially oneself) for the most part. If ‘my’ were to be destroyed completely, then One (the awakened Self, potey) is indeed the absolute Self (parmatma)! Then for Him, bliss will definitely prevail, will it not!”

“One has to ‘do’ for worldly happiness, for material happiness. However, one does not have to ‘do’ anything for liberation (moksha) or to attain God. Yet what do the people of the present times teach? ‘Do’, ‘do’, ‘do’.”

“This is indeed the nature of worldly life, isn’t it? We anticipate happiness in old age. But in old age we develop severe back pain, which will not let us sit peacefully. That is why people are searching for moksha [ultimate liberation]; once we reach our own place, there will be no problems, right?”

“Decide to be happy under all conditions, let happiness be your habit.”

“Pleasure is a false god. Research shows that people who focus their energy on superficial pleasures end up more anxious, more emotionally unstable, and more depressed. Pleasure is the most superficial form of life satisfaction and therefore the easiest to obtain and the easiest to lose. But pleasure, while necessary in life (in certain doses), isn’t, by itself, sufficient. Pleasure is not the cause of happiness; rather, it is the effect.”

“Contentment is quite a different thing from pleasure.”

“Do not be fooled by what is temporary.”

“I have never searched for happiness. Who wants happiness? I have searched for pleasure.”

“I prefer happiness to unhappiness, pleasure to pain. I’m old-fashioned that way.”

“He wished someone in the course of history had thought of striking that word and all its derivatives from the English Language – happy, happier, happiest, happiness. What the devil did the words really mean anyway? Why not just the word pleasure, which was far more… well, pleasant.”

“Enjoy the rainbow while it lasts and don’t chase it when it’s gone.”

“Our country in general assumes that “the pursuit of happiness” really means “the pursuit of pleasure” and that therefore pleasure is the greatest good.”

“People argue themselves out of their pleasures”

“Only a fool can be happy. For happiness consists of two contradictory elements: contentment and pleasure. Enjoy pleasure and you have no contentment; be content and you have no pleasure. For this reason happiness is conceivable only for those who enjoy themselves without thinking that they will always want more and thus be discontented, or for those who are content without thinking that they have no pleasure. Whoever reflects can never be happy, unless he is a fanatic and thus blinded…thus exercising control over his intelligence with his feelings, instead of the other way round”

“..there is more to life than just pleasure. We want to achieve our happiness and not just experience it.”