“I am a master wordsmith. I have the ability to bend words at will and invoke feelings with the stroke of my pen. But I’m yet to master the art of finding the right words to describe what happens in my heart when I see you.”

“No baby, you didn’t hurt me. You wrecked me. Know the difference.”

“Oh, we were so wrong for each other, but the things we did to each other felt so right.”

“He walked out the door and with each step my heart breaks.He’d be gone for days with long silences between each breath.I know I’m his one of many and he knows he’s my one of one. The only one who holds him down.Yet, he still leaves.He walks through the door and with each step my heart leaps.He crumbles to the ground in tears telling me he’s sorry.He says he needs me and he’s nothing without me.How can he be so attached and detached at the same time?I swear, this man loves to see me in pain.”

“You’re beautiful everyday. You just lack the courage confidence to see it.”

“He was the hunter of my soul,lying in wait – silently and motionless.Coaxing me out of hiding,Enticing me with love,Dangling hope in my face. Pulling me in, drawing me close.I gave in and walked into his trap.He did a good job too, tearing me apart and ripping my heart out. He was the hunter and I, the game.How could I forget that a hunter’s job is to kill?”

“I tasted danger on his lips and became an addict.A slave to adrenaline and irrational behaviour.We lived recklessly in a dramatic whirl;Clubbing and Cutting,Drinking and Driving,Fighting and Fucking,Smoking and Snorting,Overdoing and Overdosing. I tasted danger on his lips and lost my way.”

“We danced on broken glasses,painting a bloody masterpiece on the floor.The painful it got, the harder we danced. We didn’t care about scars because it was us, dancing on broken glasses – with each other.”

“He pulled me close and said, “Katie, don’t leave me, you’re my breath, I refuse to live without you.”It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard, but I still walked away, because my name is Anne Marie.”

“The first time I saw your face, my lips said, “hello” and my heart said, “that’s your wife.”

“There’s something about her.It’s not her smile or grace,It’s not her beauty or race,It’s not her scent or warm embrace,Maybe it’s her laugh or the shape of her face.No, that’s not the case.It’s just her.”

“You’re beautiful everyday. You just lack the confidence to see it.”

“My soul is crushed under the weight of tears I can’t spill.”

“Emotional pain was the price I paid on the path to becoming a woman. So excuse me if I’m not clueless like a little girl.”

“If happiness left scars on our bodies, we would never forget about all the glorious moments we’ve been blessed with.”