All Quotes By Tag: Truth
“if its gets rough, you need to get tough.”
“It won’t hurt until you feel it.”
“There is nothing more powerful than truth. It is undeniable and should always be appreciated. The truth gives you unlimited freedom to be who you are and express how you feel. The truth offers you peace of mind which is something we all love.”
“If therefore my work is negative, irreligious, atheistic, let it be remembered that atheism — at least in the sense of this work — is the secret of religion itself; that religion itself, not indeed on the surface, but fundamentally, not in intention or according to its own supposition, but in its heart, in its essence, believes in nothing else than the truth and divinity of human nature.”
“We too often forget that not only is there ‘a soul of goodness in things evil,’ but very generally also, a soul of truth in things erroneous.”
“He should be happy because he can think about the unhappiness of others!He’s stupid if he doesn’t know other people’s unhappiness is theirs,And isn’t cured from the outside,Because suffering isn’t like running out of ink,Or a trunk not having iron bands!There being injustice is like there being death.”
“Peer beyond the wall of doubt to embrace the possibilities.”
“Love life comes last in my life. I put real life first.”
“Being single is definitely better than being with the wrong person”
“Anyway, the trick is simply this: No matter what happens, keep your heart open. Wide open. The heart is made of love, and love is indestructible, and only the arrogance of ego would presume that it requires protection. To open your heart is to reduce your ego, and this is the only magic that is ever required to experience the naked truth.”
“The dreams we imagine when we are asleep should not in any way make us doubt the truth of the thoughts we have when we are awake.”
“That was the best of all. To speak the truth and be attended.”
“The dead never go to their own funeral.”
“Being a writer makes you immortal.”
“I could watch him do this until morning — never asking questions and never interrupting his work. I worship quietly — his intense focus and attention to detail and then, out of no where, I realize the inconvenient, inappropriate truth: ‘I love this man… and it has swallowed me.”