Min-Quotes: Motivational, Famous and Inspirational Quotes Collection
“I am aware of being in a beautiful prison, from which I can only escape by writing.”
“Great faith overcomes laws of nature that govern physical world.”
“Even if you find him. Even if he didn’t leave you on purpose, he can’t possibly live up to the person you’ve built him into.”It’s not like the thought hasn’t occurred to me. I get that the chances of finding him are small, but the chances of finding him as I remember him are even smaller. But I just keep going back to what my dad always says, about how when you lose something, you have to visualize the last place you had it. And I found―and then lost―so many things in Paris.”
“The top challengers are usually understood, but there are always a few dark horses in the running for every major tournament.” —Oscar Auliq-Ice”
“Lavonas atrodydavo kaip tuščias vabzdžio kiautas voratinklyje – esybė būdavo išnykusi, šviesa išnykusi, nelikę to iliuzinio švytėjimo, kurį skleidžia kadai užgesusios žvaigždės. Kūnas būdavo netekęs sielos. Ir būtent sielos nebuvimas įkvėpė Harį tikėti.”
“Self-improvement is possible only through time conversion in solitude.”
“You have made the moon,” The Jester said. “That is the moon.”
“Your status has changed. Your Name is changed! You are a new creation.”
“Where there is love there is life.”
“A lifetime spent in the study of the history of societies since the dawn of mankind presumably inclined him to skepticism and misgivings in regard to any great scheme, religious or political, that set out to create universal happiness in one fell swoop; what it was more likely to create, in his opinion, was universal misery; and his faith in heaven-sent saviors was hardly greater.”
“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.”
“True freedom is when you are able to use and know what value you are converting”
“We envy people who are extremely old because we wish to live that long, not because we want to be that old.”
“أي طالع أشد سؤآ من أن تكون المرأه في محتمع لا يقدس الا الفحوله وويقود بالعصا قطيع النساء”
“Make time to pray.”