Min-Quotes: Motivational, Famous and Inspirational Quotes Collection
“Must I accept the barren Gift?-learn death, and lose my Mastery?Then let them know whose blood and breathwill take the Gift and set them free:whose is the voice and whose the mindto set at naught the well-sung Game-when finned Finality arrivesand calls me by my secret Name.Not old enough to love as yet,but old enough to die, indeed–the death-fear bites my throat and heart,fanged cousin to the Pale One’s breed.But past the fear lies life for all-perhaps for me: and, past my dread,past loss of Mastery and life,the Sea shall yet give up Her dead!Lone Power, I accept your Gift!Freely I make death a part of me;By my accept it is boundinto the lives of all the Sea-yet what I do now binds to ita gift I feel of equal worth:I take Death with me, out of Time,and make of it a path, a birth!Let the teeth come! As they tear me,they tear Your ancient hate for aye–so rage, proud Power! Fail again,and see my blood teach Death to die!”
“Truth is on the side of the oppressed.”
“إن المرأة تحب رجلها ليس لأنه أقوى الرجال، و لا أوسمهم، و لا أغناهم، بل لأنه هو.. بضعفه و قوته.. و الحب ليس إستعراض قوة لكنه طاقة عطاء دافئة مستمرة”
“Most of us cling to life as if our existence were a result of our deed or choice.”
“I write of the wish that comes true–for some reason, a terrifying thought.”
“that’s exactly the good thing about the Injun life–you don’t have to stop and think about whether or not you’re ‘happy’–which in my opinionis a highly overrated human condition invented by white folks”
“The process of discovering your fearless self is of refinement, not adding. The best way to reconnect with your freedom is to look at the rules you have that govern your freedom.”
“Time must be converted and maximized”
“My depth has no depth”
“She was lost time. She smelled of dusty libraries and unwound clocks, salted sand and rain riding on the first rays of dawn.”
“Perhaps some people really are born unhappy. I surely hope not. Speaking for my sister and myself: We were born with the capacity and determination to be utterly happy all the time. Perhaps even in this we were freaks. Hi ho.”
“Queer creatures, females,” mused Mr. Standen, shaking his head. “Fellow’s only got to be a rake to have ’em all dangling after him. Silly, really, because it stands to reason—- Well never mind that!”
“Occasionally, there arises a writing situation where you see an alternative to what you are doing, a mad, wild gamble of a way for handling something, which may leave you looking stupid, ridiculous or brilliant -you just don’t know which. You can play it safe there, too, and proceed along the route you’d mapped out for yourself. Or you can trust your personal demon who delivered that crazy idea in the first place.Trust your demon.”
“Winners were not born winners; they learnt and practiced how to win and they have it! Everyone who gives a great testimony about his/her life begins with a beginning that was “inadequate” until something happened… an a breakthrough became evident!”
“لم يكن الرب أكثر ما أخافني لكن اولئك الذين غالوا في الإيمان به. وكان الشيء الثاني الذي يرعبني غباء الورعين، الذي لا يمكن أبداً مقارنة حكمهم بحكم الرب – حاشا للرب- الذي يعبدونه من كل قلوبهم”