“If you have to repeatedly chase after someone when you have a great opportunity, don’t bother, if they aren’t responsive, they aren’t the type of person who’ll succeed at it anyway.”

“Project stacking is the art of creating projects that multi-task for you, so you don’t have to.”

“Leveraging existing resources is innovation’s sweetest play.”

“If you lose money in business, you can still cover up the loss. If you lose time, the only thing you have by your side is wreckage.”

“Carrying someone else’s weight is only going to weigh down on you and add stress, frustration, and pain. Choose who you work with and play with wisely.”

“Being broke is part of the journey. Staying broke is a fucking choice.”

“The average artist has a naïve, unrealistic, and disconnected view of what the music industry is, how it works, what is involved in “making it”, and what actually is happening behind the scenes. Too many artists take at face value what they see on some TV documentary or read in a fan magazine. Whether you are working with others in a band, looking to connect with a manager, an agent, a label, or an investor, or you just want to work in the industry, it is more crucial than ever to know what you are working for and toward.”

“A business is like an automobile. Its people its wheels, their passion its fuel.”

“The concept of “work-life balance” is a fleeting idea for a Bombshell. Instead, a focus on work-life success—where her time and energy shifts based on the rotating demands of each area of her life—is far more realistic.”

“A Bombshell wants it all, yet she is beginning to see shecan’t have it all at once.”

“A Bombshell’s constant struggle is living up to her God given potential while also battling in her mind the difference between her expectations and the world’s expectations.”

“Remember, you are not aspiring for perfection, Bombshell. You are aspiring for progress, one step at a time.”

“Do your best in the day, for the day, and then work on tomorrow when it comes. Show yourself grace and laugh at yourself.”

“You want to be able to say, for example, “I will know I am successful if these three things happen.”

“If you cannot tie your marketing efforts to actual dollars that the electric company will accept, it’s time to adjust your plan.”