All Quotes By Tag: Fate
“I can do this… I can start over. I can save my own life and I’m never going to be alone as long as I have stars to wish on and people to still love.”
“I think of how life takes unexpected twists and turns, sometimes through sheer happenstance, sometimes through calculated decisions. In the end, it can all be called fate, but to me, it is more a matter of faith.”
“Stop trying to be less of who you are. Let this time in your life cut you open and drain all of the things that are holding you back.”
“i was lieing to myself when I thought I was lost, I have never been lost – I just wasn’t ready to be found.”
“Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get you to the right place.”
“How foolish to believe we are more powerful than the sea or the sky.”
“Whatever happens, they say afterwards, it must have been fate. People are always a little confused about this, as they are in the case of miracles. When someone is saved from certain death by a strange concatenation of circumstances, they say that’s a miracle. But of course if someone is killed by a freak chain of events — the oil spilled just there, the safety fence broken just there — that must also be a miracle. Just because it’s not nice doesn’t mean it’s not miraculous.”
“Have you ever noticed that when your mind is awakened or drawn to someone new, that person’s name suddenly pops up everywhere you go? My friend Sophie calls it coincidence, and Mr. Simpless, my parson friend, calls it Grace. He thinks that if one cares deeply about someone or something new one throws a kind of energy out into the world, and “fruitfulness” is drawn in. ”
“Do not be afraid; our fateCannot be taken from us; it is a gift.”
“We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming – well, that’s like saying you can never change your fate.”
“They say that nothing good or happy goes on for very long, or rather does not last, but in my opinion the same is true for the bad, it should also all end sometime, right?” – Olga Romanov (trans Helen Azar)”
“No mortal ever knows happiness and good fortune all the way to the end. Each one is born with his bitterness waiting for him.”
“But what was fortune? She had come to believe it was being exactly the same on the inside as on the outside. What was misfortune but the quality of existing as something, or someone else, inside?”
“He and his fate walk together, Master and Slave. In which order, only time and action tell.”
“Let not fate tarry on you. Seize it before it carries you.”