“To prepare for this day took my whole life. All make sense now, all the pain, struggle, difficulties and bad luck that I have survived were the pieces of the puzzle that was needed to reach my ultimate goal.”

“That spark you felt ignite inside you, that split-second vision that you had of yourself bright like the Sun — believe that! Believe that.”

“Be your best self, work your whole life on it. And when you die, you leave the best version of yourself behind.”

“Lion Is fearless. Lion is not a survivor But a warrior. Lion Hunt Alone, Not in group. Lion Don’t eat leftover, but hunt big. A Lion does not turn around when a small dog Barks. Lion Is the king of the jungle”

“You can customize tomorrow, only if you train your brain today! Don’t believe in Luck, only believe in hard work”

“Our Destiny is very scripted and unpredictable by the universe. What ever happened was meant to be”

“Winners win, Losers lose. It’s YOU who decides what you want to be”

“Power of words are infinity, use them wisely. Power of words can change the world or destroy”

“Though each one of us is BORN FEARLESS, our response to failures and rejections incites fear in us. If we get rejected, we are NOT GOOD ENOUGH and if we fail, we may become laughing-stock; our mind has been programmed in that manner by people around us. No matter how strong we try to appear to the world, criticism develops fear in us. As a result of it, we avoid doing things we are not certain about and if we fail in something, we make sure not to try it again. The only way to overcome fear is to face it. FACE YOUR FEAR. Don’t worry, if you fall or fail, get up and try again. Those who are making fun of you or are criticizing you, in reality, they are scared of you. They know…you will do it. They are criticising you because when they were trying something new, NO ONE ENCOURAGED THEM. They doubt their own capabilities.”

“The future is found through Revelation by the sweet small still voice, the Holyspirit,-Maxwell Smith Agyeman”

“When imagination comes in action, creative things are likely to happen”

“الأفكار السلبية تعيق تقدمنا، علينا أن نقاومها ببسالة والتخلص من جذور المشكلة هو الشيء الذي يقتلعنا من وضع الألم من الضعف من الإهانة من سوء الحال..علينا أن نصعق معتقداتنا الذاتية الواهمة التي لا تلزم الا كل واحد منا لنجعلها نقطة انطلاقة لرحلة حب كونية ولنرتفع الى سماء الأسوياء المستقرين نفسيا القادرين على الأخذ بزمام الأمور ونستنشق هناك الأوكسيجين النقي الشافي، ونمشي في طرق كنا نعتقد أنها لم تخلق لمثلنا.. لا يجب أن نهدر عمر الأفراد والشعوب ونحن عالقين في أوحال الخوف وأشواك الماضي، هذا هو التشخيص، وانها حياة نستحقها لا كره فيها لا خوف فيها ولا ندم.”