“I have found that when I intentionally control my thoughts, walk humbly, love and forgive unconditionally, generally, I have a pretty good day.”

“Breathe your way to a calmer, healthier, happier life. Heavily. Down the phone to a terrified woman.”

“Gossip is the biggest hindrance to building trust and productivity in organizations across America.”

“The insane human mind is the greatest scientific instrument known to mankind.”

“You can know a lot and still be stupid.”

“If we could stop gossiping and learn not to be offended, we could change the world in about 48 hours.”

“Man should listen to nature because she has wisdom beyond our knowledge.”

“বোধোদয় অর্জনের কিছু নয়,বোধোদয় অনুভব করার কিছু!”

“True wisdom is not acquired by capturing knowledge, it is earned by acting upon knowledge. True bravery is not the absence of fear, it is doing what you feel is the right thing to do, in spite of fear.”

“Amplify with your authority instead of shouting publicity. A sell only goes so far. Your experience, knowledge and authenticity have the endurance to engage and sustain a connection.”

“There is always one more thing in someone’s hippocampus that you may know nothing about. There is always one more thing in your hippocampus that you may know nothing about.”

“speakers becoming the rare find…. and for very little investment you can become a “certified speaker and expert” from your choice of many so-called and even established business gurus.Look to those with authority, #integrity, experience, #excellence, and #credibility to help inspire with applicable information and not just empty sugar high motivation (that wears off quickly)Watch out, look up and dig in as you choose the best people to follow, listen to and learn from.”

“Truth is never shown by eyes or mind, it is always keep distance (Hidden). We should waste valuable time for searching truth. Situation to be balance is more important than truth. Past is history and future are imagination, then go forward and joy the life. we wrong because we want happiness, but reality is that we not need happiness we need enjoy the life, happiness will come automatically. Only one truth—there are No truth, whatever we know that is knowledge”

“If your customers do not feel like they are being engaged, what reason do they have to remain engaged or connected with you?”

“To visualize the future – the vast ocean of possibilities, you must first learn to distinguish between knowledge and illusion of knowledge.”