“Asshole Proximity Disorder”

“Angka dua untuk daya yang dikenal sebagai Yin dan Yang – setara dan berlawanan; mereka menyatukan alam semesta ini bersama-sama (Putri Yangxin-Garden of The Purple Dragon)”

“To lovers there.Most ladies the reason they are dumped and their relationship doesn’t last is they made themselves to become a want than a need in a relationship.”

“¿A qué se reduce, pues, el progreso? Progresa la ciencia, progresa la técnica. El hombre de nuestros días maneja técnicas cuyos fundamentos ignora, pero cuyos resultados aprovecha. La pseudo-doctrina del progreso diviniza el futuro y espera el advenimiento de un estado perfecto. En una época que no se precisa, la historia universal de la humanidad habrá resuelto todos sus problemas. Lo que cuenta es el hombre futuro. Las generaciones presentes son simples eslabones sin ninguna finalidad propia. El presente se evapora en aras de un progresismo inocente y filisteo.”

“Life is what you portrait it!”

“This intriguing ‘somewhere else,’ where intelligence no longer matters and awareness melts away, commands us to cherish our remains of innocence — because of all the characteristics of human nature, the richest by far is passion for the perfectly useless.”

“And one thing we know is real: horror. It is so real, in fact, that we cannot be sure it could not exist without us. Yes, it needs our imaginations and our consciousness, but it does not ask or require our consent to use them. Indeed, horror operates with complete autonomy. Generating ontological havoc, it is mephitic foam upon which our lives merely float. And, all said, we must face up to it: horror is more real than we are.”

“She wondered which was worse—living your whole life staring at yourself or waiting your whole life for someone to stare back at you.”

“After a dream like that, you’re grateful that it was just a dream, that no matter how bad your actual life, it couldn’t be worse than your dream life. ”

“As long as there is institutional inequality, hell, naw we can’t all get along!”

“You don’t need to look at the beauty to feel the love.”

“Pay attention to me.”