“If you see the world and yourself through a lens smudged by negativity then you’ll find much misery. If you look outwards and inwards through lens brightened by positivity you’ll find much to be happy and appreciative about.”

“Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.”

“Step out of your comfort zone. Comfort zones, where your unrealized dreams are buried, are the enemies of achievement. Leadership begins when you step outside your comfort zone.”

“One of the best gifts you can give to someone, is a wider perspective. It’s also one of the best gifts you can receive. So if you have given someone a wider perspective, don’t feel bad about it (about taking their blindfolds off and having to watch them cringe in the newfound sunlight); I know it’s hard, but you’re doing them a lasting favor. And a wider perspective can be difficult for you yourself to accept, in the beginning (during the time that you squint while the sunlight stings your own eyes), but later you’ll find yourself coming back to it, even if you abandoned it as something worthless; you’ll look for it, one day. Or it will grow on you. Perspective.”

“I can imagine all sorts of things. But can I imagine a God who insists that we imagine the impossible so that the impossible need not remain imagination?”

“The longer I’ve walked with God the more I’ve realized that being thankful is vigorously celebrating what’s right in the world while anticipating that what’s wrong with it will soon follow suit.”

“At the point that I have rigorously pressed out and reached the end of myself, I have in fact not even broached the place where God is about to begin. Therefore, a conclusion in my mind is barely a point of departure in God’s.”

“Some would say that paradise is the escapist ‘fiction’ of hapless minds caught up in the denial of a darkening world. But Christmas would say that the ‘paradise’ of escapist fiction has not a single shred of fiction in it at all.”

“We all have a dream for what this life could be like. Christmas is God handing us everything that we need to make that dream a reality. The issue is, are we willing to take up ‘everything’ or let our dreams fall to ‘nothing.”

“We all have a dream for what this life could be like. Christmas is God handing us everything that we need to make that dream a reality. The issue is, are we willing to take up that ‘everything’ or let our dreams fall to ‘nothing.”

“It seems sometimes that people take a deliberately myopic and fill their eyes with things seen microscopically in order not to see macrosopically.”

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is – infinite.”

“Many of the most powerful things in life are not tangible. All it takes is for you to close your eyes to see.”