“Faith is acknowledging what I can’t see as a means of embracing that which I cannot afford to miss.”

“If I’m only looking at an ending, I’ll assume that an ending is all that there is. And without a doubt, that kind of assumption is the beginning of the end.”

“I might not believe in the possibilities, but that in no way diminishes the realities of the opportunities.”

“I think the mystery of art lies in this, that artists’ relationship is essentially with their work — not with power, not with profit, not with themselves, not even with their audience.”

“Stop sitting on the sidelines of everyone else’s life and become and active participant in your own life.”

“People are trying to make still, that which by nature has always been unstill/restless. If the vision falls on the Seer (drashta) who indeed is forever still, then everything becomes still. Our gnan [knowledge] keeps roaming in the gneyo – those things that reflect in the Soul (like mirror). If this same gnan [knowledge]falls on the Gnata – the Knower, then our work will be done.”

“He who wishes for anything but Christ, does not know what he wishes; he who asks for anything but Christ, does not know what he is asking; he who works, and not for Christ, does not know what he is doing.”

“I’d much rather have all of this be the ‘pigment’ of my imagination rather than a ‘figment,’ for at least it would all have some color.”

“He talked about the future with such certainty, he might have been talking about the past.”

“Start your journey with purpose and vision, then pursue it with great passion.”

“The Mind Of A Visionary Can Travel To Paradise On Bear Foot.”

“When it comes to what God’s doing in our lives, sometimes knowing everything kills everything. And if I kill everything, then knowing everything doesn’t matter.”

“A scene should be selected by the writer for haunted-ness-of-mind interest. If you’re not haunted by something, as by a dream, a vision, or a memory, which are involuntary, you’re not interested or even involved.”

“Success needs vision to see, passion to transcend, patience to withstand and the character to overcome failures.”