Min-Quotes: Motivational, Famous and Inspirational Quotes Collection
“Only with an imagination can you see the magnificent beauty of the distant future and eternity.”
“Unless we learn to know ourselves, we run the danger of destroying ourselves.”
“What is real and what is not is for your heart to decide and for your heart to know.”
“The concept that man is not awake, and that only a fully conscious being can “do”, have will and not be subject to the law of accident.”
“It didn’t hurt me. Not “hurt”. Hurt is a four letter word. It’s short, almost cute sounding. Aawwww, did that hurt? No. It didn’t hurt. Destroyed, Obliterated, Desecrated, Annihilated, Demolished, Shattered, or Demoralised maybe… But no. It didn’t hurt me. It didn’t “hurt” me at all.”
“Which came first, the mind or the idea of the mind? Have you never wondered? They arrived together. The mind is an idea.”
“I’m fine, Mom. Thanks for asking.”…“Of course you’re fine.” She keeps walking. “You’re the devil’s bride and these are his creatures.”…“I’m not the devil’s bride.” “He carried you out of the fire and is letting you visit us from the dead. Who else would have those privileges except his bride?”
“Never give up your desire to be what you want to be. Stay focused, persistent and relentless.”
“Some lean back. But those who lean forward are poised to cross the finish-line, first!”
“When someone is young, he is not capable of conceiving of time as a circle, but thinks of it as a road leading forward to ever-new horizons; he does not yet sense that his life contains just a single theme; he will come to realise it only when his life begins to enact its first variations.”
“That’s an awful lot of littles, don’t you think?”“Perhaps.” He displayed his hand. “Big.” He set hers next to his, so small and delicate contrasted with his thick, blunt fingers. Why did holding her fragile hand raise every protective instinct he had?”
“Nous sommes, par nature, si futiles, que seules les distractions peuvent nous empêcher vraiment de mourir.”
“If you knew how much time you had, you would be 100% following your soul’s calling…and it would definitely manifest!”
“Inspired by Leaving a Legacy.”
“I believe creeds aren’t worth the paper they are written on…But I still believe in God. I believe that if you look at my life, you’ll only sometimes see what I believe. I believe that if we have two coats, we should give one away (though I don’t do it). Today I don’t believe in anything; tomorrow who knows. I sometimes believe in God- one who existed before time, beyond gender or fathom. Make of heaven and earth and ginger (all good things), whales, two-hundred-foot cliffs, cloud banks, shipwrecks, And in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost- how? Born of a fourteen-year-old, Mary, scared out of her wits. Was crucified, dead, and buried, and I used to believe in the penal substitution theory of atonement, but now I just see a violent death and struggle to see how violence can ever be redemptive… He descended into hell, or was hell all around him all the time? The third day he rose again from the dead.He ascended into safety of abstraction, away from having to feel this, from dealing with this, And sits, maybe sprawls, on the right hand of God the Father Almighty. I believe in me; I believe in the Spirit, Sophia, wisdom… The holy catholic (i.e., everybody) Church; The Communion of saints; does this mean me? LOVE The Forgiveness of sins (but I still feel shame); (don’t you?) The Resurrection of the body. I believe in singing the body electric And the life everlasting, A life we find right here in our midst”